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Most heterotopic brain tissues are solid or solid with cystic compartments.

Most have strict rules regarding the use of their logos, be it the font style, color or graphics. 许多公司对于其公司标志的样式,颜色和造型的使用都有严格的要求。
Most headlines are set too big to be legible in the magazines or newspaper. 许多在杂志或报纸中的广告标题都因为太大而不易辨读。
Most hedge funds quietly expire when they become unproitable to run rather than collapsing in a blaze of ignominy. 如果运营起来不再挣钱了,多数对冲基金会悄然而退,而不是丢人现眼地全盘崩溃。
Most helper applications allow manual (or programmed) control over the volume settings and play functions like rewind, pause, stop and play. 大多数视频播放助手程序允许手动(或程序)来控制音量设置,并且控制如:环绕、暂停、停止和播放这样的函数。
Most helper applications allows manually (or programmed) control over the volume settings and play functions like rewind, pause, stop and play. 大多数助手程序支持使用手动(或程序)来控制音量属性和播放函数,如:重复、暂停、停止和播放。
Most heterotopic brain tissues are solid or solid with cystic compartments. 大部分异位性脑组织是实质性或实质性合并囊状成份。
Most highly weathered and leached upland soils in S.E Asia are so deficient in primary nutrients that economic yields of healthy crops cannot be produced, unless nutrients are added to the soil. 东南亚大多数高度风化和淋溶的旱地土壤主要养分贫乏,以致除非向土壤施加养分,否则不可能获得健康作物的经济产量。
Most histopathologic types were cleared at the first two stages of Mohs surgery, except micronodular type. 除了微小结节型之外,其他组织病理亚型多在莫氏手术进行前两个层数时,已完全清除肿瘤。
Most historians agree that the canal is at least as important as these other sites, but it has taken more than 50 years to convince the Chinese authorities that a transport network that was still functioning after so many centuries could be classed as an 许多历史学家同意,运河至少和其他遗址一样重要,但是他们仍花了超过50年的时间来使中国当局确信一个经过如此多世纪仍发挥功用的运输系统还是可以列为一个重要的历史遗址。
Most home users do not get a single IP address from their Internet Service Provider. 大部分家庭用户从他们的互联网服务提供商那里获得的IP地址都不是独占的。
Most hosts are hostile to the foremost ghost hostage almost to the utmost. 大多数主人对最前面的幽灵人质的敌对态度几乎到了极顶.

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