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So what are Li Yuchun's talents? She is outgoing, boyish, confident. She is neither submissive nor quiet. It is precisely her proud and unpolished imperfection that has charmed her fans.

So what 21) awaits movie fans in the sequel? 那麽,续集中有什麽等著影迷呢?
So what I hope for is longer-term cooperation in working together. 因此,我希望这样不分国界和人种的交流方式能够延续下去。
So what I want to say to you today is this: if this sounds, in any way, familiar to you, if you have been trying to be perfect in one way or another, too, then make today the day to put down the backpack. 所以今天我想对大家说的是:假如你们觉得这种情形听起来有点耳熟,假如你们也一直努力在这些或那些方面力求完美,那么不妨就在今天,卸下背上的包袱。
So what Mr Roodhouse and his ilk should call for is a global system of individual tradeable permits, to operate not just for a decade, but for the indefinite future. 因此,鲁德豪斯等人应当呼吁的是,在全球范围内建立一个可交易的个人排放权制度,期限不是只有10年,而是无限的未来。
So what about the Great Wall of China? 那么中国的长城呢?
So what are Li Yuchun's talents? She is outgoing, boyish, confident. She is neither submissive nor quiet. It is precisely her proud and unpolished imperfection that has charmed her fans. 李宇春究竟有什么特长呢?她外向、男子化,并且自信,从来没有逆来顺受的淑女形象。也正是这种自我张扬和未经修饰的不完美迷倒了她的粉丝。
So what are central banks to do? 那么央行该怎么做?
So what are the options? 那么有什么选择呢?
So what are we arguing about? 那我们还争什么。
So what are we looking at here, Doc? 我们在这里查到了什么,大夫?
So what can Mr Sarkozy do differently? 这么说来,萨尔科奇先生能有什么不同的作为吗?

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