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The birthplace of paper-cuts is China.

The birthday of next year will be more dazzling! 来年的生日会一定更加耀眼!
The birthday party has finished in a lively atmosphere, we expect that in a new year, the MSTC of Chongqing University can develop better, and get better achievements. 生日会在热闹的气氛中结束了,我们都期待着在新的一岁中,重庆大学微软技术俱乐部能有更好的发展,取得更好的成绩。
The birthday present brought me not a little happiness. 生日礼物给我带来了很多快乐。
The birthplace of Jesus pulses with hate. 耶稣的诞生之地到处都存在仇恨。
The birthplace of globalisation in the 19th century is coping well with the latest round, writes Merril Stevenson. But can it keep it up? 全球化19世纪的策源地很好的应对了这新一波浪潮,马里奥斯蒂文森写道。但它能否继续这样的势头?
The birthplace of paper-cuts is China. 中国是剪纸艺术起源最早的国家。
The birthrate in this city is increasing at a ratio of0.6 to a thousand every year. 这个城市的出生率以每年千分之0.6的比率上升。
The birthrate is down this year. 今年出生率下降。
The birthrate is on the decrease. 人口出生率正在下降。
The biscuit compels the mosquitoes quit the equipment. 这种饼干迫使蚊子离开设备.
The bishop anointed the new king with oil. 主教为新国王登基举行涂油仪。

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