The investment in capital construction is classified by construction projects, while investment in innovation, other investment by state-owned units and urban collective units are classified according to the sector which the whole enterprises or instituti
基本建设按建设项目划分国民经济行业,更新改造、国有单位其他固定资产投资及城镇集体投资根据整个企业、事业单位所属的行业来划分。 |
The investment in safety facilities shall be incorporated in the budgetary estimates of the construction projects concerned.
安全设施投资应当纳入建设项目概算。 |
The investment in the private equity company should meet that objective.
对黑石公司的投资就符合这个目标。 |
The investment integration disperses the risk of trade fluctuation, increasing the gross national incomes in a country.
通过投资一体化分散贸易条件波动所带来的风险,增加一国的总体收益。 |
The investment is in line with Atlas Copco's growth strategy and its goal of owning 100% of its companies in China and to increase its presence in Asia.
这一新工厂的投资符合阿特拉斯科普柯的发展战略和在中国全资投资公司的目标,同时扩大在亚州的覆盖。 |
The investment is really low, considering an investment for an offline business, and even the break even time is much smaller, while the profit is very good.
需要的投资实在是太少了,就算每次都被你搞得彻底砸锅也不会死人的,而一但获利将是很滋润的一笔。 |
The investment of enterprises in human resources should be defined as accounting assets which can fall into two categories: cost accounting of human resources and value accounting of human resources.
摘要企业对人力资源的投资应定义为会计资产。人力资源会计可分为人力资源成本会计和人力资源价值会计两种。 |
The investment of the urban households of our country in children's education is generally influenced by the constraint of liquidity and the parental income of a period has influence on the investment in children's education during that period; the motive
摘要我国城市居民家庭在子女教育投资方面,一般会受到流动性约束的影响,并且父母的当期收入会影响到对子女当期教育的投资;父母对于子女教育投资的动机主要符合货款合同模型,即父母对于子女的教育投资是暗含后期回报的合同,这一合同主要通过家庭的某种内在机制和社会道德标准来执行的。 |
The investment policy of china offered perfective treament to foreign inventors.
中国的投资政策为外国投资者提供了优惠待遇。 |
The investment policy of china offers preferential treatment for foreigh investors.
中国的投资政策为外国投资者提供了优惠待遇。 |
The investment promotion policies play an important role in the benefit from the internationalization of R&D by transnational corporations.
投资促进政策帮助东道国从跨国公司研发国际化中获益。 |