Words of Wisdom: Listening to English songs and singing along is a great way to practice pronunciation and listening skills. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. |
中文意思: 智慧小语:听英语的歌曲并跟著哼是一个练习发音和听力的好方法.不要害怕犯错. |
Words like however, yetand althoughcan be just as stifling to healthy disagreement.
象“然而”,“可是”和“尽管”这样的词可能同样会使健康的争论窒息。 |
Words like hurts, stinging, soreness, suicide, dizziness, crying, throw out, uncomfortable, bloatedness were consistently used by children who rated their pain intensity as 4 or higher on the pain scale.
住院儿童常合并多种的不适经验,多数会主诉三种不适的现象,且使用描述疼痛的字言多达57种,但常被使用的是痛、针刺感、酸痛、及胀痛。 |
Words like “fly” and “run” are dynamic verbs.
像“飞”和“跑”这样的词是动态动词。 |
Words like “love”, “tenderness”, “romance” and “passion” appear seldom, if at all.
“爱情”,“敏感”,“浪漫”,“激情”,这样的字眼即使出现,也是极少。 |
Words may be false and full of arts ,sighs are the natural language of the heart.
言语可以是谎言并带有技巧;叹息才是心灵的自然流露。 |
Words of Wisdom: Listening to English songs and singing along is a great way to practice pronunciation and listening skills. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
智慧小语:听英语的歌曲并跟著哼是一个练习发音和听力的好方法.不要害怕犯错. |
Words of Wisdom: When you are learning English, you must try to explain and think in English. Try to avoid simply from English to Chinese.
智慧小语:当您学英文的时候,您要试著用英文去解释和理解.尽量避免英翻中. |
Words of you is it have to rest assured that day that night, is it alarm , not firm taking strength of heart to want, that day that night, words of you forget , is it obey , take letter lean against , honor big king in the sky to want never.
那一天的那一夜你的话语放心上,要警醒、要刚强、要心的力量,那一天的那一夜,你的话语永不忘,要顺服、要信靠、荣耀天上的大君王。 |
Words pay no debts.
空言无补。 |
Words play a tremendous part/role in your everyday life.
话语在人们的日常生活中起着重大作用。 |
Words starting with the same consonant may be ordered under different listings depending on how that consonant is pronounced in that word.
以相同元音起头的单词可能因为其辅音读音的不同被编入不同的部分中。 |