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When barotrauma has occurred in the middle ear, it is not unusual for the diver to have a sensation of pressure or fullness and decreased hearing.

When backpackers first hit the road in the 1970s, they were seen as an antidote to sterile package tours, a return to travel independently as exploration and adventure. 当背包徒步旅行在20世纪70年代第一次出现时,它们被视为处于低潮时期团体旅游的一颗良药。/治愈..的一味良药.
When bacteria enter the detector, their normal metabolism cleaves an inactive nutrient into an active one, allowing the detector's spores to germinate. 当细菌一进入侦测器后,细菌的正常代谢反应就会将一种不活化的营养物质,裂解成有活性的东西,促使侦测器内的孢子开始生长。
When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. 当坏人联合起来的时候,好人也必须联合起来;不然他们会一个接一个的倒下,成为一场卑劣斗争中不足为惜的牺牲品。
When baked with sausages (within the batter), it is known as toad in the hole. 搭配香肠一起吃的时候,它又被形象地称为洞中的蟾蜍。
When banquet coffee breaks stand late . 在宴会厅开会时,咖啡、茶的小休迟了。
When barotrauma has occurred in the middle ear, it is not unusual for the diver to have a sensation of pressure or fullness and decreased hearing. 当中耳受到气压性创伤的时候,潜水者会经常有压力、充塞和听力下降的感觉。
When be wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain turned Hannibal, Missouri—which he later described as a “white town drowsing in the sunshine of a summer's morning” — into an American literary Mecca. 当马克·吐温撰写《汤姆·索亚历险记》和《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》时,他把密苏里的汉尼堡变成了美国文学的圣地(后来他描写它如同一座“沐浴在夏日清晨阳光照射下安宁的小镇”)。
When beautiful sex researcher Carol Sharp checks into a legendary Eastern European castle to document its strange psychic properties and their effects on the human libido, she discovers an ancient diary which unlocks not only the steamy past of the castle 在电影‘情欲日记’里,漂亮的性研究员卡萝去了东欧一座传奇的城堡,目的是证明它奇特的精神力量,和对人类性欲的影响,她发现一本古老日记,它不仅显露过去城堡荒淫的历史,而且把她好色的本性释放了出来。
When bedtime came the mother said, Stay here by the fire all night, gentle bear. 到睡觉的时候了,母亲说:“可爱的熊,今晚就呆在炉火旁吧。”
When befriended,remember it;when you befriend,forget it. 当你被别人善待时,请记住这一切;当你善待别人时,请忘记这一切。
When being deeper, the caves, as the typical symbol of Taoist culture, exist widely in the novels in order to treat double injury to body and mind of chivalrous persons from the confucian moral spirits. 在更深层次上,山洞作为道家文化的典型象征符号,是为了解决儒家道德精神对侠客身心的双重伤害而广泛存在于小说文本的。

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