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Studying On and Experimentation of High Pure and Low Natron Superfine Powder α-Al_O_
高纯超细低钠α-Al_O_ 的试制与研究

Study on ultra-structure of Cricket spermatheca 蟋蟀受精囊超微结构的研究
Study on urea-formaldehyde resin modified by SiO_ for plywood SiO_改性胶合板用脲醛树脂的研究
Study shows that: under laser lading condition, the reaction Al+Ti→Al Ti occurs firstly, and then the reaction Al Ti+C→TiC+ Al takes place. 研究表明:激光熔覆条件下Al-Ti-C粉料层中合成反应的过程为:先发生 Al+Ti→Al Ti反应,再发生Al Ti+C→TiC+Al反应。
Study the Clinical Curative Effect of Injecting Locally with Triamcinolone Acetonide in Acne Cheloid 曲安奈德局部注射治疗痤疮瘢痕的临床疗效比较研究
Study the enunciation, the soybean protein enzyme viscosity to go up but lower along with the hydrolysis degree, the hydrolysis outcome has the good calcium to forgive, the biggest dosage can amount to the 0mg/00g. 研究表明,大豆蛋白酶水解的粘度随着水解度的升高而降低,水解产物具有良好的钙包溶性,最大用量可达0mg/00g。
Studying On and Experimentation of High Pure and Low Natron Superfine Powder α-Al_O_ 高纯超细低钠α-Al_O_ 的试制与研究
Studying on Sailors Cultivating of China 中国海员人才培养研究
Studying the Influence Factors of Accepting Patients per Sickbed in Clinical Departments by Path Analysis. 医院科室床均收容病人数影响因素的通径分析
Studying the structure and zymogram of proteid is important to realize the organism evolution and classification. 蛋白质酶谱和结构的研究 ,对于深入了解生物的进化和分类关系具有重要的意义 .
Stumps of Cinnamomum rigldissimum, indigenous to China, is rich in essential oil with the yield of .%. The oil consists of .7% safrole and 8.% methyl eugenol. 香楠(Cinnamomum rigidissimum)是我国特有植物,其伐根材富含精油,出油率高达.%,含黄樟素.7%,丁香酚甲醚8.%。
Subarachnoid hemorrhage appeared as sulcal hypointensity on GRE-T *WI but hyperintensity on FLAIR. 蛛网膜下腔出血在GRE T WI上表现为沿脑沟分布的低信号 ,在FLAIR上表现为沿脑沟分布的高信号带 ;

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