In many cruise reviews, cruising routinely earned the highest ratings in customer satisfaction among all vacation categories.
许多邮轮审查,巡航在例行赢得客户满意度最高的各类别休假. |
In many cultures, age is related to seniority, and therefore to pay.
在许多文化中,年老意味着资历,因此值得付出。 |
In many dark night, I often lay against the corner of the wall and lighting up many cigarette, let that blight fire warm up the coldness in heart, let it listen the dropping sound of the tears, light blue smoke silently fill up my space.
很多的黑夜里,常常倚着墙角点上烟,让那一点烟火的闪亮温暖心的凄凉,让它倾听泪水奔流而下的声音,淡蓝色的烟雾悄无声息的填满了我的空间。 |
In many demos and games these days you see various volumetric effects like on the picture above.
在今天的许多演示及游戏中,你可能会看到各种类型的体积效果,就如上图所示。 |
In many gymnosperms the nuclei divide within the pollen grain to produce a small number of cells (2-40 depending on the group )representing the male prothallus.
在许多裸子植物中,细胞核在花粉粒中分裂以产生少量的细胞(2~40个,取决于不同种类),代表雄性原叶体。 |
In many if not all of the novels we have read this semester, however, a character's capacity for self-determination is often closely entwined with or defined by forces beyond that individual's control.
但在本学期所阅读的小说中,很多书中人物的自主性,通常与他们无法控制的力量紧紧关连或相互界定,事实上,许多人物多半被身处的环境所形塑。 |
In many instances, a lack of follow-through by the superior contributed to this failure.
在很多情况下,主管缺乏跟进也是失败的原因之一。 |
In many instances, the official visit will be the one occasion of the year for club members to hear an officer of Rotary International.
很多实例显示,公式访问对扶轮社的社员来说,是他们一年一度听到国际扶轮职员演说的机会。 |
In many institution there is not good management of the laboratory, study environment is confusion and the management of devices is inconveniently, cost too much to maintain , Now need a system to manage the laboratory urgently.
在很多院校里没有很好的对实验室的管理方式,学生上机学习比较混乱,机器管理起来很不方便,维护代价太大,迫切需要一个对学生的上机进行管理的系统。 |
In many international business negotiations abroad, Americans are perceived as wealthy and impersonal.
在国外(注:指美国以外)许多国际商务谈判活动中,人们都认为美国人是富有而冷漠的。 |
In many lakes in summer that is a warm low-density layer (EPILIMNION) lying above a colder denser layer (the HYPOLIMNION), the zone of rapid temperature change between the two layers being celled the thermocline.
夏季,多数湖中温暖的低密度水层(湖面温水层)在寒冷的较高密度水层(湖底净水层)之上,中间夹有温度改变较快的水层(变温层)。 |