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Mr Perriam said Shrek was shorn with scissors to ensure a thin layer of wool was left in place to protect him from the oncoming winter.

Mr Penn continues to run Burson-Marsteller and to manage its Microsoft account himself. 潘恩先生则继续运营博雅公关,而且管理着公司的微软账户。
Mr Penn has fought hard to persuade Mrs Clinton not to apologise for voting in favour of the war in Iraq. 潘恩先生竭尽全力想要说服希拉里无需为投票支持伊拉克战争道歉。
Mr Penn is the very embodiment of the Washington-business nexus. 潘恩先生切实地体现了华府与商界的关系。
Mr Penn took it very much to heart when his firm pensioned him off. 佩恩的公司给他发了养老金让他退职,他对此事很想不开。
Mr Penn's biggest problem—and perhaps Mrs Clinton's too—is that he wants to change too little. 潘恩先生(或许也是希拉里)最大的问题是他想改变的东西太少了。
Mr Perriam said Shrek was shorn with scissors to ensure a thin layer of wool was left in place to protect him from the oncoming winter. 佩里亚姆说,史瑞克的羊毛被剪掉,身上还保留了一薄层羊毛以抵御即将到来的寒冬。
Mr Petherick gave a dry little cough with which he usually prefaced his remarks.What is that you say, Raymond? Unsolved mysteries? Ha - and what about them? 彭斯瑞克先生短短的干咳了几声,通常在他开始谈论之前都会这样。“你在说什么,雷蒙德?尚未解决的神秘案件?哈-它们是什么?”
Mr Phelps is interested in unemployment that even open-handed central bankers cannot cure. 从此连慷慨的中央银行家都无法解决的失业问题也使菲尔普斯产生了兴趣。
Mr Phillips, who will head it, believes old-fashioned race politics is on the way out. 而在菲利普斯先生眼里,与众多亚裔人文化和宗教上的封闭相比,种族问题不成其问题。
Mr Pickerell was head of the Asian fund management arm of HSBC, where he led the bank's expansion into the Chinese retail fund market. 裴布雷曾任汇丰(HSBC)亚洲基金管理部门主管,领导了汇丰向中国零售基金市场的扩张。
Mr Pier yanked his son away from boarding-school. 皮尔先生把他儿子从寄宿学校领走了。

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