British police have arrested another suspect in that plot to blow up jetliners over the Atlantic.
英国警方已经逮捕了另一名涉嫌参与炸毁英美间客机的嫌疑犯。 |
British police talk to a tanker driver who may have accidentally ignited a fuel depot's explosion that injured 43, damaged buildings, and sent black smoke into the air.
英国警方跟一名油轮驾驶员谈话,此人可能曾以外引起一个油库爆炸,导致43人受伤,多座建筑被毁,使大量黑烟排入空气. |
British politician who served as prime minister(1770-1782) under George III and instituted policies that led to the rebellion of the American colonies.
诺思爵士,托马斯1535?-1601?英国翻译家,他的关于蒲鲁特克著作的版本被用作许多莎士比亚戏剧的来源 |
British politicians soon passed a law that funded the building of sewers all over the country.
英国的政治人物很快就通过法律,在全国出资兴建污水道。 |
British post-modern author John quite regards about the question of existent essential of human as receiving the influence of existentialism trend.
摘要受存在主义思潮影响,英国后现代作家约翰?福尔斯十分关注人类生存本质的问题。 |
British recipients of knighthoods are entitled to be addressed with a Sirbefore their names.
被授予荣誉爵士身份的英国人有资格在自己的姓名前面加上“爵士”字样。 |
British recorded history began with the Roman invasion.
有记录的英国历史开始于罗马人的入侵。 |
British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion.
有记录的英国历史开始于罗马人的入侵。 |
British research has shown that sociability is good for the health, with a study of thousands of civil servants revealing that moral support from colleagues, encouragement from supervisors and clear direction from bosses kept stress levels down.
英国有研究表明,善于交际有利于健康,一项对几千名公务员的调查发现,同事的精神支持、上司的鼓励和老板给予的明确指示可以缓解工作压力。 |
British researchers found that children who had lived within 200 metres of high voltage cables at birth faced a 69-percent higher risk of childhood leukaemia.
英国研究人员发现,自出生以来居住在距高压电线二百公尺以内的儿童,罹患儿童白血症的机率高出69%。 |
British researchers have found the solution to the age-old riddle of why many women live longer than men. It's their pumping power.
英国研究者们终于解开了长期以来困惑人类的难解之谜:为何多数女性比男性长寿.原因就是她们心脏的供血动力. |