Priorities should be givern to the entire hydrological system, so as to firstly optimize the water resource utilization and management at basin level.
长江水资源综合管理应该遵循水文系统优先的原则,使水资源利用和管理在流域层面上首先达到优化状态。 |
Prioritize and focus on safety. Communicate a passion for safety. Set example.
将安全列为首要之务并全力以赴之。以热诚宣扬安全的重要,以身作则。 |
Prioritize in development of vanadium products for iron and steel industries and proactively develop other high-tech vanadium products.
钒产业以钢铁行业用钒制品为重点,积极开发其他高新钒制品。 |
Prioritize the i ues within subject categories using group co e us, Pareto voting, or another technique.
可以使用组员的一致意见,轮流投票或其他方法对每个专题类问题排列优先级。 |
Prioritize the issues within subject categories using group consensus, Pareto voting, or another technique.
可以使用组员的一致意见,轮流投票或其他方法对每个专题类问题排列优先级。 |
Prioritize the sales actions required and enter as Valid Call Objectives.
将销售活动要求和有效目标拜访按先后顺序区分。 |
Prioritize your incoming e-mail by sorting the messages by subject or author so you can process related messages together.
把你收到的邮件按照主题或者写信人来按优先次序分类,这样你就可以把相关的邮件一起处理了。 |
Priority 4 - For abstracts, sharp throughout the frame from wide angle to telephoto with the aperture stopped down (f/8 or smaller).
优先权4-为摘要,锋利在框架过程中从广角对远距照相与开口被停止下来(f/8或更小)。 |
Priority in America ?pull China state and England specially ?graceful Che Si special , Nigeria ?shelf pull Si , Canada ?algeria and China ?Zhengzhou set up America ?yi da fei ( group ) animal medicine trade limited company and England ?yi da fei ( group )
先后在美国?特拉华州、英国?曼彻斯特、尼日利亚?格拉斯、加拿大?渥太华及阿尔及利亚?君士坦丁、中国?郑州开设美国?易达菲(集团)动物药业有限公司、英国?易达菲(集团)动物药业有限公司、尼日利亚?易达菲(集团)动物药业有限公司、加拿大?易达菲(集团)动物药业有限公司、阿尔及利亚?易达菲(集团)动物药业有限公司、中国?易达菲(集团)动物药业有限公等多家分公司;在1997年,该公司在国外的销售额占公司总销售额的62%,销售活动分布在145个国家和地区。 |
Priority inversion arises when a higher-priority task is forced to wait an indefinite period of time for a lower-priority task to complete.
优先级反转是指一个任务等待比它优先级低的任务释放资源而被阻塞,如果这时有中等优先级的就绪任务,阻塞会进一步恶化。优先级继承技术可用来解决优先级反转问题。 |
Priority is given to development of heavy coal liquefaction and petrochemical equipment, heavy vessels for hydrogenation reactor and nuclear reactor and localization of heavy casting and forging for super-critical unit.
重点开发煤液化和石油化工等重型设备,加氢反应器和核电等重型容器,超临界机组配套大型铸锻件,实现超临界机组国产化。 |