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In fact in both state-run and private universities in developed countries, students pay their tuition fees and costs of living mostly by their income through work-study program instead of asking for their parents' help.

In fact civilization is a very long course. 事实上,文明是一个很漫长的过程。
In fact few men have had a greater influence on the spread of news and the growth of newspapers in the world than Julius Reuters. 事实上,尤利乌斯·路透对新闻传播和世界报纸的发展影响之大,几乎没有人可与之相比。
In fact he does not have much money. 事实上他没什么钱。
In fact i\'ve myself found some...tell me more....plz,i\'m waiting for your operation. 写得象歌词。嘿嘿嘿,等我有空再用章句手法来分析分析。我的手术刀从来不留情面,请楼主准备好。
In fact if you were just to look at the script it is likely that you would think the film not worth making. 如果你去看那出剧本,你很可能会认为这个片子不值得一拍。
In fact in both state-run and private universities in developed countries, students pay their tuition fees and costs of living mostly by their income through work-study program instead of asking for their parents' help. 例如:实际上,发达国家的国立大学,私立大学决不是让学生家长承担所有的学习和生活费用,大部分学习费用和生活费用是靠学生勤工俭学收入来交纳的。
In fact it has already shrunk the world into bytes. 事实上,它已经把实际浓缩为比特世界了。
In fact it is possible that a divided government could actually work better than a united one. 也许一个分掌政府会比一个联合政府更适合。
In fact it is surprising just how big a part our two listening ears play in our success in school, in our careers, in our relations with family and friends. 事实上,两只耳朵在我们的学匀、工作和与家庭、朋友的关系里扮演的角色之重要,实在令人惊讶。
In fact it was America's opposition to the referendum that brought the debate to life in Taiwan. 事实上,是美国对**的反对将这场争论带到台湾民间。
In fact it was very costly to us to make there 20 defective valves. 事实上,对我们来说,非常昂贵来做那20个有缺陷的水阀。

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