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In order to improve the microorganism fermentation process of producing glutamine, an electrodialysis method was developed to separate glutamic acid and glutamine.

In order to improve the germination percentage of Victoria amazonica seeds, experiments were conducted for the relevant factors which affect the sprouting of seeds. 摘要为了提高王莲种子发芽率,对影响种子萌发的几个相关因素进行了试验研究。
In order to improve the integrated function of the network, the hydrological regionalization is necessary to be studied. 为了提高水文站网的整体功能,迫切需要进行水文区划问题的研究。
In order to improve the load transfer ability of the highway with heavy traffic, a dowel bar can be installed in the contraction joint of the rigid pavement. 摘要对于交通量日益增大的高速公路,可以通过增设传力杆来提高路面缩缝的传荷能力,有效地减少错台和断板现象。
In order to improve the low automatic degree of the electronic controlling system and the poor quality of fresh preservation in most currently designs of gas-adjusted fresh-preserved storehouse in our country, a fully automatic monitoring and controlling 摘要针对当前我国设计和建造的气调库普遍存在控制系统自动化程度低、保鲜效果差的缺点,设计了一套以80C51单片机为核心的气调库全自动监控系统。
In order to improve the management level of city crisis and build a service-oriented government, it is necessary to reduce the crisis of city development, make up a new management mode of city crisis, reconfirm the roles of government in city crisis manag 摘要降低城市发展风险,构建新的城市危机管理模式,重新界定政府在城市危机管理中的角色,树立以人为本的城市管理新理念,加强预警与预防,建立健全法律法规,倡导全民参与,重视善后治理,提高政府的城市危机管理水平,打造服务型政府。
In order to improve the microorganism fermentation process of producing glutamine, an electrodialysis method was developed to separate glutamic acid and glutamine. 摘要为改进微生物发酵法生产谷氨酰胺的流程,提出用电渗析方法来分离谷氨酰胺和谷氨酸。
In order to improve the peak load regulation performance of boiler and decrease its consumption of oil, the burners were retrofitted by using adjustable horizontal concentrated-diluted pulverized coal burners combustion technology and small oil gun ignato 摘要爲提高锅炉低负荷调峰性能和降低锅炉耗油量,利用可调水平浓淡燃烧技术和小油枪点火装置,对燃烧器进行了改造。
In order to improve the perceptive degree of Wudang Mount, it is necessary to investigate the perceptive image of Wudang Mount and on the base of it, a new image should be designed to carry Out the tourism marketing. 因此,要提高武当山的知名度、美誉度,招揽游客,很有必要进行武当山的旅游感知形象调查,在受众调查的基础上对其进行全新的旅游形象策划,从而更有效地开展旅游营销活动。
In order to improve the precision of colorimeters, photoelectricity integral colorimeter principle error emendation is studied. 摘要为了提高色差计的精度,对光电积分式测色色差计的原理误差进行了研究。
In order to improve the professional knowledge and skills, to select talent and inspirit employees' enthusiasm, Zhejiang Rifeng Machinery Co.,Ltd. combines the staff's occupation with company goal, and guides the staff to go for the target by continuous a 为提高员工的业务及专业技能知识,选拔优秀的人才,激发员工的工作热情,日丰机械通过对员工持续有效的激励,将员工职业与企业目标联系起来,引导员工朝着企业目标奋进。
In order to improve the prospecting precision to the earth of transient electromagnetic method (TEM), the idea of TEM imaging is proposed according to the characteristics of both electromagnetic wave propagation and response: the wave-impedance is calcula 摘要爲提高瞬变电磁法的对地探测精度,从瞬变电磁场的传播特性和电磁响应特性两个角度攷虑,提出了瞬变电磁成像方法:由野外实测磁场感应数据,经过反褶积和线性数字滤波求出波阻抗;用线性规划法求出每一微层走时所对应的反射系数序列,并以此爲参数绘制成像结果图。

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