Nerazzurri close to an opening goal. From the left edge of the Bologna box Emre crosses to Martins, who from six yards out hits the right post.
蓝黑军团错过了一次机会。在对方禁区左翼埃姆雷将球送入禁区给马丁斯,后者门前6米射门击中右门柱。 |
Nere-sparing prostatectomy, designed to presere potency and urinary continence, introduced.
发明旨在保留性功能和预防尿失禁的神经保留前列腺切除术. |
Nerflin was an adventurer - foolhardy, brave, and full of a lust-for-life that marks many adventurers and mercenaries.
耐法林曾是一个冒险者——缺乏考虑,勇敢,并且充满对生命的追求,这些基本上都是冒险者和雇佣军的特征。 |
Nerflin? Ahh, there is a fine tale.
耐法林?啊,那是个好故事。 |
Nerissa C.Brown.Herd Behavior in Voluntary Disclosure Decisions:An Examination of Capital Expenditure Forecasts[EB/OL].http//www.ssrn.com 2005.
我国年报披露准则规定,公司在年度报告中披露下一年度的盈利预测的,则该盈利预测必须经过注册会计师审核并发表意见. |
Nero was well enough rewarded for his crimes.
尼禄皇因其所犯罪行已得到相当充分的惩罚。 |
Neruda's poetry:?Neruda was an amazingly prolific &wide-ranging poet, producing more than 40 volumes in his lifetime.
聂鲁达的诗:聂鲁达是一个非常多产的诗人,而且他的作品涉及的题材和内容很广泛,他一生共创作了40多卷诗作。 |
Nerve allotransplantation has been used successfully in human subjects to restore function after traumatic nerve injury and avoid subsequent limb amputation.
神经同种异体移植术已成功应用于受试的神经创伤患者,可有效恢复受损神经功能,避免截肢。 |
Nerve cells carry and receive nervous impulses.
神经细胞传递并接收神经冲动。 |
Nerve cells vary greatly in size and shape.
神经细胞在大小和形状方面差别极大. |
Nerve gases are clear and colorless, and they can be odorless or have a slight, sweetish smell.
神经毒气透明无色,可以是无气味的也可以是稍带甜味的。 |