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Combined with the new theories, ideas and technologies which dealing with the water pollution, countermeasures are brought forward for river pollution control and remediation in the secondary streams of the Three Gorges reservoir.

Combined with the complexity of 3D FEM analysis of seepage field of underground project, the simulation of faultage was comprehensively discussed. 摘要结合地下工程渗流场三维有限元分析复杂性的实际,对断层的处理进行积极探讨。
Combined with the conditions of Meishan Mining Company,some exploratory work has been made on enterprises diversified growth.Practical tactics are suggested as the theoretical basis for mine strategy-making so as to avoid the strategic errors and to ensur 结合梅山矿业公司情况,对企业多元化成长进行一些探索,提出实用策略,为矿山战略决策提供理论依据,以避免战略失误,确保矿山适时、适度向合适的方向发展。
Combined with the federal government's new grant program, eligible students can receive up to $6,000, or the full cost of first-year tuition. 再加上联邦政府的新政策,这些优秀学生可以得到6000美金的全额奖学金。
Combined with the introduction to the condition assessment system on Runyang Bridge which is the longest suspension bridge in China and Sutong Bridge which is the longest cable-stayed bridge in the world, the function and its constitution of this system a 结合润扬大桥悬索桥(国内最大跨度的悬索桥)及苏通大桥(世界在建最大跨度的斜拉桥)中的状态评估系统,介绍了该系统的功能以及模组构成。
Combined with the merits of traditional tile and modern technology. 结合一般传统瓦型之优点和现代科技之杰出特点。
Combined with the new theories, ideas and technologies which dealing with the water pollution, countermeasures are brought forward for river pollution control and remediation in the secondary streams of the Three Gorges reservoir. 并结合国内外治理河流的新观念、新技术、新思路,提出了三峡库区次级河流的整治对策。
Combined with the optimized query mechanism of database management system, the amount of the intersections can be calculated by running the SQL once, and the spatial relationship between the point and polygon is confirmed rapidly. 结合数据库管理系统提供的优化查询机制,通过执行一次查询求得射线与多边形的交点个数,从而快速地判断出点与多边形的位置关系。
Combined with the permeability and heat transfer properties of lamilloy configurations obtained by experiments, a one-dimensional porous wall thermal heat transfer model was applied to the analysis of the mass flow rate, and the overall cooling effectiven 摘要基于一维多孔材料内传热理论,建立层板冷却的理论模型,应用由实验获得的各种层板结构的流阻和换热特性,由层板两侧的压差估算通过层板的冷气流量和层板结构的冷却有效性。
Combined with the prior distribution of the model parameters and water quality observation data, joint posterior probability function which stands for the distribution characters was obtained by Bayes' Theorem. 结合模型参数的先验分布和水质监测数据,通过贝叶斯定理计算获得了表征参数分布规律的联合后验概率密度函数。
Combined with the project of reverberation room, some technical problems such as the volume, type, sound absorption, sound insulation and sound diffusion arc introduced. 结合混响室建设的工程实例,介绍了混响室设计中有关体积、体形、吸声、隔声和声扩散等方面的技术问题。
Combined with the real example of monitoring pressure on the supporting system in the long span underground space of DK7+692 section at Jiao-Xin line of Chongqing light railway, it is set forth the methods about choosing the support system and its paramet 摘要结合重庆市轻轨较新线大坪车站大跨度地下空间DK7+692断面施工支护体应力监测的工程实例,阐述了该大跨度地下空间支护结构的参数选择、地下空间的开挖方法、支护体结构的应力量测方法及测试手段;分析了支护体初期支护工字钢拱应力、锚杆轴力、喷射混凝土内应力、临时工字钢支撑应力、二次衬砌钢筋应力等测试结果和变化规律;确定了工字钢拱应力急剧增大而可能引起支护体系失稳的原因。

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