In 1928, when he triumphantly defeated Al Smith, Hoover seemed profoundly different from his two Republican predecessors, Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge.
1928年,当胡佛在大选中击败阿尔·史密斯之时,似乎与两位共和党前任沃伦·哈定和卡文·柯立芝迥然不同。 |
In 1929 a great celebration was held on his fiftieth birthday in Berlin.
1929年,在他五十寿辰的时候,人们在柏林举行大的庆祝会. |
In 1929, a corporation which included Alfred E. Smith and John Jacob Raskob, and others formed to construct the Empire State Building.
早在1929年,美国一些重要的政经界人士组成公司开始着手建造大厦。 |
In 1929, he converted the opera house into the Chinese Garden, one of the city's most popular night spots, often featuring African American jazz musicians.
1929年,他改成中国戏院,是城??最流行的夜总会之一,提供非洲裔爵士音乐场所。 |
In 1929, the European and American short skirt influence, the original length moderate Chinese dress is started to shorten, in the skirt-width shrinks to the knee, the sleeve cuff shortens changes small.
1929年,受欧美短裙影响,原来长短适中的旗袍开始变短,下摆上缩至膝盖,袖口变短变小。 |
In 1929, the radio program The Rise of the Goldbergsdebuted on the NBC Blue Network.
1929年的今天,“犹太老板的发迹”广播节目在国家广播公司蓝色频道首播。 |
In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R. E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time.
美国探险家阿伊伯德在飞越北极三年之后,又于1929年第一次成功地飞越南极。 |
In 1930 John Maynard Keynes imagined that richer societies would become more leisured ones, liberated from toil to enjoy the finer things in life.
约翰.梅纳德.凯恩斯在1930年想象富裕的国家会成为更加休闲的国家,从辛勤的劳作中解放出来,享受生活中更加美好的事物。 |
In 1930, and 1935 Bolivia responded with its own stamps showing the Chaco within the borders of Bolivia.
在1930年和1935年,玻利维亚对自己的邮票,展示了查的边界玻利维亚. |
In 1930, the manager of Chicago radio station WGN created a new type of program: a daily, fifteen-minute serialized drama Painted Dreams, set in the home of an Irish-American widow and her young unmarried daughter.
1930年,芝加哥WGN电台经理开创了一种新的节目形式——一部每天播出15分钟的广播系列剧《粉饰的梦想》,该剧讲述了一个美籍爱尔兰寡妇和她待字闺中的年轻女儿的故事,故事就发生在她们家中。 |
In 1931 a brewery was established in the abbey to help finance the construction of the new monastery.
1931年,开始建立酒厂以资助新的修道院的建设。 |