Some countries have banned Chinese made toothpaste containing diethylene glycol.
一些国家已经禁止中国制造的含有乙二醇的牙膏。 |
Some countries have banned Chinese-made toothpaste containing diethylene glycol.
一些国家禁令中国制造的含有双乙烯甘醇的牙膏。 |
Some countries have banned Chinese-made toothpaste containing diethylene glycol. China has now told companies to discontinue this use, even though it says the toothpaste is safe.
一些国家已经禁止进口含有二甘醇3,4-的中国产牙膏。中国已经告诉厂家不要继续使用二甘醇3,4-,即使厂家声称这中牙膏是安全的。 |
Some countries have been pondering whether to take the Commission to court; Germany's recent decision not to may have something to do with the decision of its chancellor, Angela Merkel, to push the green agenda.
有的国家正在考虑是否将委员会送上法庭;德国最近不打算这么做的决定是和其总理——安吉拉.默克儿——决定推行绿色政策是有关系的。 |
Some countries want to integrate into this organization.
一些国家想整并到这个组织里头。 |
Some couples become passive-congenial by default,others by intention.
有的家庭是因为夫妻疏于顾家而成为消极和睦型,还有的则是出于有意。 |
Some couples who are planning a wedding also establish their own Web sites.
也有一些正在计划婚礼的夫妇建立了自己的网站。 |
Some couples would have divorced except for their children.
一些夫妇要不是 因为孩子早离婚了. |
Some cover vast cultural distances: the nuncio in Algeria was born in Taiwan.
一些使节则跨越了很大的文化差异:驻阿尔及利亚的大使出生于台湾。 |
Some covered walkways are provided between the clubhouse and the sport facilities such as basketball court.
另外还有一些带顶棚的人行步道位于会所与运动设施(如篮球场)之间。 |
Some cows, in my opinion, are located in very specific places where are difficult to find on the one hand.
在我看来,有些牛牛根本是被放置在没有人会特别注意的地方,因为实在难找极了! |