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The ethnic Chinese are prohibited from obtaining governmental scholarships.

The ethical limitations of the ancient Olympic Games include class discrimination, sexual discrimination, extreme ruthlessness, being more and more professional, and so on. 摘要古代奥运会必然有其时代和阶级的局限性,在伦理方面主要表现为阶级歧视、性别歧视、极其残酷、越来越职业化等。
The ethics of fieldwork and obligations to research subjects are discussed throughout the semester. 本学期亦将讨论进行相关主题研究时,田野调查之道德及义务。
The ethics of his decision are doubtful. 他的这一决定是否合乎道德规范值得怀疑.
The ethics of his decision are doubtful. 他的这一决定是否合乎道德规范值得怀疑。
The ethics of his profession do not permit him to do that. 他的职业道德不容许他那样做。
The ethnic Chinese are prohibited from obtaining governmental scholarships. 印尼华人按规定不能获得政府的奖金。
The ethnic Chinese are prohibited om obtaining governmental scholarships. 印尼华人按规定不能获得政府的奖金。
The ethnic group peaceful cross-border livingin Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will come true in the process of the global economic communication and the ethnic group relationship interaction. 港澳台地区的族群的“和平跨居”,将在全球经济交往和族群关系互动中得以实现。
The ethnic groups which speak Zhuang Dai lauguage, such as Zhuang, Dai, Tai and Lao ethnic group, and the ones which speak Dong Shui language, such as Dong, Shui, and monao ethnic group had the same origin but developed into different branches, they are a 摘要操壮侗语族壮傣语支语言的壮、布依、傣、泰、佬等族以及操侗水语支语言的侗、水、仫佬、毛南等族,同源异流,都源于上古分布于我国南方的越人。
The ethnic, geographic and racial profiling goes into assembling classes at the top-tier colleges and universities. 一流院校的课堂刻意汇集来自各族裔、区域与种族的学生。
The ethnically divided Bosnian city of Mostar has agreed to erect a new symbol of unity - a statue of kung fu legend Bruce Lee, worshipped by Muslims, Serbs and Croats. 一直处于民族分裂状态的波斯尼亚城市莫斯塔尔决定竖立一座李小龙雕像作为团结的象征.因为穆斯林、塞尔维亚人和克罗地亚人都很崇拜这位功夫影星.

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