New York Life's third president Morris Franklin, died at the age of 84 in his home in Flushing, N.Y.
纽约人寿第三任总裁富兰克林在纽约法拉盛家中逝世,享年84岁。 |
New York Life, for the first time, sold a record $1 billion of new insurance, bringing total insurance in force to $10 billion.
纽约人寿首次售出创下年度纪录的十亿美元新保单,从而令有效保单总额达到一百亿美元。 |
New York Senator Hillary Clinton and Teresa Kerry, wife of unsuccessful Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, were among the guests, as well as a host of show business names such as Susan Sarandon, Glenn Close and Mary Tyler Moore.
到场的宾客包括纽约州参议员希拉里•克林顿、民主党落败总统候选人约翰•克里的夫人特雷莎•克里,以及演艺界的许多明星,如苏珊•萨兰登、格伦•克洛斯和玛丽•泰勒•摩尔。 |
New York State Library: Genealogy: Tracing Your Immigrant Ancestors - Immigration resources at the New York State Library.
纽约州图书馆:族谱:追踪你的祖先移民入境资源,在纽约州立图书馆. |
New York Times: The ultimate downfall was both swift and agonizing for the Giants, which made it a perfectly appropriate way to end the season.
纽约时报:【体育】巨人队在最后时刻的惜败是那么迅速,那么惨不忍睹,不过这倒是结束这一赛季的完美形式。 |
New York already spends more on education than it does on Medicaid; the state's comptroller has warned of future budget gaps.
纽约州的相关监管者已经对未来可能发生的预算缺口发出警告了。 |
New York and London are two great marts of the world.
纽约和伦敦是世界两大商业中心。 |
New York and Los Angeles were the only two North American cities to rank among the highest 50, though both fell in the rankings due to a depreciating U.S. dollar, Mercer reported.
据美世咨询公司报告,纽约和洛杉矶是北美跻身前50名的仅有的两个城市,不过由于美元的贬值这两个城市今年的排名有所下滑。 |
New York being the most air pollution in the America.
纽约市是美国空气污染最严重的城市. |
New York city is the worst polluted cities in the world.
纽约市是美国空气污染最严重的城市. |
New York could find itself eclipsed by London as the world's financial hub.
纽约可能被伦敦超越,失去全球金融中心的地位。 |