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Influent flow is then reversed at determined time intervals and the separation process repeated for the opposite end of the module, allowing further uninterrupted filtration.

Influences of initial damage on development of spalling damage have been indicated by analyzing the distribution of void number density, the cumulative percentage of void volume and the volume fraction of the different-seize voids. 通过分析孔洞数密度分布、孔洞体积累积百分比、不同大小孔洞所占体积份额的计算结果,指出初始损伤对损伤演化有直接影响。
Influences of plastics fabrication methods. 塑料制造方法的影响。
Influences of temperature on magnetic property and stability, mechanism of dysprosium modification on the magnetic properties and surface modification on stability have been studied through a measurement device based on Gouy magnetic balance. 利用古埃磁天平研究了温度对磁性和稳定性的影响;研究了稀土镝磁性能的改性、表面活性剂的表面改性,并从理论上进行了分析。
Influences on fatigue life and dynamic balance from metallographic structure image, fatigue experiments and dynamic balance experiments were also analyzed. 从条码的微观组织、疲劳寿命试验、动平衡试验中分析了对刀具疲劳寿命和动平衡的影响。
Influencing the presence and type of other species in the community. 在生物群落中影响其它类别的存在和类型的
Influent flow is then reversed at determined time intervals and the separation process repeated for the opposite end of the module, allowing further uninterrupted filtration. 第二阶段,即通过阀门切换,原液和回流浓缩液的方向进行倒换。
Influential North American fraternity Delta Kappa Epsilon is founded at Yale University. 1844年的今天,有影响力的北美兄弟会“德耳塔·卡帕·厄普西隆”在耶鲁大学成立。
Influential ballet works at the time were Soul (music by Xi Qiming), Home (music by Tian Feng), Benediction (music by Liu Tingyu),Lin Daiyu (music by Shi Fu), Thunderstorm (music by Ye Chunzhi) and The True Story of ah Q (music by Jin Fucai). 芭蕾舞剧《魂》(奚其明曲)、《家》(田丰曲)、《祝福》(刘廷禹曲)、《林黛玉》(石夫曲)、《雷雨》(叶纯之曲)、《阿Q正传》(金复载曲)在当时颇有影响。
Influential friends will support you in all that you desire. 颇具影响力的朋友会支持你到底。
Influential people are at their best when they do not flaunt their power. Important people are great only when they rely on their character, not their position. 有权势的人,权势不伟大,平凡才伟大;有名位的人,名位不重要,人格才祟高。
Influenza Report has also been published in English, German, Indonesian, Serbian, and Slovenian. 流行性感冒报告并且被出版了用英语,德语,印度尼西亚语,塞尔维亚语,和斯洛文尼亚语。

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