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Decay is the result of molecules that have ceased to vibrate.

Decades of studied, including one published recently, suggest that music might be a moderately effective pain reliever. 数十年来的研究,包括一份最近出版的报告都指出音乐也许是一种大致有效的止痛药。
Decades of totalitarian rule damaged the way people in power think and behave; and the harm has not been repaired. 数十年的极权统治改变了当权者的思考与行为方式,损害至今仍未恢复。
Decanter: A special glass bottle, usually glass-stoppered, used for serving wine that has been removed from its original container, in order to facilitate the perception of its aroma. 醒酒瓶:特殊的玻璃瓶,通常配有玻璃塞,用于供应从原来的包装瓶中倒出的葡萄酒,以促进对葡萄酒香气的欣赏。
Decarboxylase An enzyme that catalyzes the decarboxylation of carboxylic acids, including the conversion of amino acids to amines. 脱羧酶:能够催化羧酸进行脱羧反应的酶,包括氨基酸转化为胺的反应。
Decay is aging, which is also the result of molecules that have ceased to vibrate in the energetic gridwork of the form. 衰退就是老化,这也是分子在身体的能量晶格层中停止振动的结果。
Decay is the result of molecules that have ceased to vibrate. 衰亡是分子终止振动的结果。
Decaying cities filled with huge, looming edifices cast shadows on the destitute and the damned. 满是巨大的海市蜃楼般大厦的腐朽城市,投下困乏黯淡、令人厌恶的阴影。
Deccan Plateau in south, flat to rolling plain along the Ganges, deserts in west, Himalayas in north. 南部是德干高原,沿恒河是起伏的平原,西部是沙漠,北部是喜马拉雅山。
Deceit around you is evident. 很显然也有人在欺骗你。
Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil, But counselors of peace have joy. 箴12:20图谋恶事的、心存诡诈.劝人和睦的、便得喜乐。
December 12, 1998:Clinton is Impeached—As Clinton lands in the Palestinian-controlled section of Israel to discuss the “land for peace” process, the House of Representatives votes four articles of impeachment against him. 柯林顿被告----当柯林顿到达以色列的巴勒斯坦控制区,商讨以色列「以地换取和平」的进程时,美国众议院投票决议4项控告他的条文。

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