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Because of the iniquity of his unjust gain I was angry, And I struck him; I hid Myself and was angry; And he went on, turning away in the way of his heart.

Because of the incompletion of the audit contract, the scientific institutions arrangements are needed to ensure the realization of the property right performance. 不完备的审计契约需要科学的制度安排来确保审计契约的产权绩效。
Because of the increased transmitting paths of audio channels in broadcast stations, the key problems are to discover the malfunctions in time and to perform the emergency procedures. 摘要随着广播电台节目路数的增多,特别是一些大型电台,及时发现播出故障并实施应急措施日益成为日常工作的重点和难点。
Because of the individual difference, there is difference in the result that each person shows, but generally the users look 1 - 8 years younger on the whole in the gloss of skin and esp. the spirit. 由于个体差异,每人显示的效果有不同,但是普遍从精神、皮肤的光泽等整体上感觉年轻1-8岁。
Because of the influence of climate undulation and desertification, this area gradually formed diversified economic types which had principal extensive agriculture and auxiliary hunting, fishing, gathering during the period of Hongshan Culture. 受气候波动及沙地的影响,红山文化时期逐渐在这一地区形成了撂荒轮作式粗放型农业为主.渔猎、采集为辅的多样化经济模式。
Because of the influence of history, economy, society, culture, education and so on, the quality of culture, science and technology, thought and morality, legal ideology and health level of many famer's in our country is still at low level. 由于受历史、经济、社会、文化、教育等多种因素的影响,目前我国多数农民的文化科技、思想道德和法律意识以及健康水平等,还处于较低的水平。
Because of the iniquity of his unjust gain I was angry, And I struck him; I hid Myself and was angry; And he went on, turning away in the way of his heart. 17因他贪得不义之财的罪孽,我就发怒击打他;我向他掩面发怒,他却仍然行走己路,随心背道。
Because of the injury on the nervous system, dystrophy seriously impacts on the course and prognosis of cerebral diseases. 脑血管病病人由于受神经功能缺损等多种因素影响,营养不良影响脑血管病后病程的发展和预后。
Because of the input being not in place, uneven distribution, irrational structure, imperfect system, the management not being implemented, China's basic public service system is plagued with problems. 由于投入不到位、分布不均衡、结构不合理、体制不完善、管理不落实等原因,导致我国现阶段基本公共服务体系存在诸多问题。
Because of the intense cold, the subsoil of the tundra remains permanently frozen to a great depth. 由于严寒,冻土带的底层土仍然长久冷冻得很深。
Because of the lap-over in news-gathering skills, many writers move back and forth between the allied journalistic fields. 由于在采集新闻技巧方面的重叠,许多记者不断往返于不同的新闻领域之间。
Because of the large capacity of the oceans to absorb heat, it takes the earth about a century to approach a new balance—that is, for it to once again receive the same amount of energy from the sun that it radiates to space. 由于海洋的热容量很高,地球要到达新的平衡,约需经过一个世纪的时间,地球从太阳吸收的能量与辐射到太空的能量才会再度相等。

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