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Do not walk on earth proudly,for you can never rend the earth, nor become as tall as the mountains.

Do not use when eating. Do not perm eyelashes. Keep away from children. Place at a cool dry place. Avoid sun light contact. 使用时勿进食;不可使用于眼睫毛上;勿让小孩接触,存于乾燥阴凉处,忌日照。
Do not use “encrypt article” and “Sale article” for earning integral. The article does so must be worthily. 不要随便使用“加密此帖”和“出售此帖”来赚取积分,此类帖子必须物有所值。
Do not view the sun with this binocular or even with naked eye . 请勿使用此双目镜/双筒望远镜或裸眼直视太阳。
Do not volunteer remarks about an opponent's luck whilst a match is in progress. 在比赛仍在进行时,不能随意对对手的运气进行评论。
Do not wait for the canopy to start spinning. 可别等著飞行伞开始旋转。
Do not walk on earth proudly,for you can never rend the earth, nor become as tall as the mountains. 你不要骄傲自满的在大地上行走,你决不能把大地踏穿,决不能与山比高。
Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together. 11不可穿羊毛,细麻两样搀杂料作的衣服。
Do not wear gloves while working on rotating part(s) of a machine, such as drilling machine, boring machine router, lathe, ect. 当靠近转动机件作业时,不要戴手套,以免手被卷入受伤,如钻孔机,镗孔机,花槽机,车床等。
Do not wear high heeled or open toe shoes, wedges, platform soles, moccasins or tennis shoes while working. 工作时不得穿着高跟鞋、露趾鞋、坡跟鞋、厚跟鞋、拖鞋或网球鞋。
Do not wear out your welcome. 作客不久留;不要使人厌倦对你的欢迎。
Do not wear socks that are too thick because they can restrict circulation. 不要穿软鞋,那样会限制你全身的伸展。

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