It forces the boy to fight, starves him.
它迫使男孩去战斗,让他忍受饥饿。 |
It forecast a doubling in net profits next year to $7.6bn.
该协会预计,明年航空业净利润将增长一倍至76亿美元。 |
It forecast that Prapiroon will bring stormy weather over the weekend across the coastal areas of Guangdong and Guangxi and to some parts of Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan and Hainan provinces.
气象局还预报说,本周末派比安将给广东广西地区,以及福建,江西,湖南和海南的部分地区带来暴风雨天气。 |
It foresaw little change this year, with operating profits of $13.9bn, but forecast a big jump to profits of $19.9bn in 2008, supported by strengthening economic growth in the US and worldwide.
该协会预计,今年这一数字将不会出现大的变化,可能为139亿美元,但它预测,受美国和全球其它国家经济增长持续走强的支撑,2008年该项利润将大幅增长至199亿美元。 |
It forms a non-virtuous circle.
形成一种非良性循环。 |
It forms in little clumps or balls.
它呈微小的块状或圆球状。 |
It formulates broad supervisory standards and guidelines and recommends statements of best practice in the expectation that individual authorities will take steps to implement them through detailed arrangements.
它规范了广泛的监督标准、指导原则和最佳实践建议,此后独立的权威机构就可以按照具体步骤安排实施。 |
It fosters patience and responsibility tied to altruistic motivations.
它促进耐心跟责任感牵于无私的动机上。 |
It found a small but statistically significant increase in gastrointestinal cancer deaths associated with supplements containing beta carotene and vitamins A, C and E.
发现了一个小但是具有统计意义的胃肠癌症死亡数增长与含有β-胡萝卜素、维生素A、C和E的制剂有关。 |
It found that 48,000 deaths every year are caused bymalignantmelanomas, and 12,000 by other kinds of skin cancer. About90percent of such cancers are caused by ultraviolet light fromthesun.
世界卫生组织指出,每年全球有4.8万人因患恶性黑素瘤而丧生,另有1.2万人因患其他类型的皮肤癌而失去生命。而90%的这种癌症是由于长时间暴露在太阳紫外线下造成的。 |
It found that 83% of 525 chickens it tested were infected with either campylobacter or salmonella bacteria or both.
一项检测发现525只鸡中的83%被弯曲杆菌或沙门菌感染,或者借有。 |