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A child pushes two women on a sledge across a frozen lake in Beijing. Snow fall and plummeting temperatures have brought winter to the capital.

A child is someone under the age of 22 who has never been married or in a common-law relationship. 你经常地伴随有加拿大籍或永久居民的配偶/法律伴侣/父母等(指22岁以下未婚的小孩)居住在一起。
A child must never do anything by halves. 小孩做事不可半途而废。
A child need two loving parents. 孩子需要慈爱的双亲。
A child on a farm sees a plane fly overhead and dreams of a faraway place. A traveler on the plane sees the farmhouse and dreams of home. 农场上的孩子看到飞机从头顶飞过,就会梦想到一个遥远的地方。坐在飞机上的旅客看到农舍,就会梦想到家。
A child prodigy. 神童,少年天才
A child pushes two women on a sledge across a frozen lake in Beijing. Snow fall and plummeting temperatures have brought winter to the capital. 一名孩童推着雪橇上的两名女性滑过北京一座结冰的湖泊。瑞雪和骤降的气温为北京带来入冬的气氛。
A child ran into the street and knocked her off her bicycle. 一个小孩冲到了街上,把她从自行车上撞下来。
A child ran out in front of the bus. 一个孩子跑到公共汽车的前面。
A child receives its early education at home. 幼儿在家接受早期教育.
A child requires actual experiences to help him understand. Simply scolding a child may only lead to resistance and dislike. 孩子需要实际的体验来帮助他们了解大人话中的意思,单纯的责骂只有可能引起反抗和恨意。
A child so manufacturedcould be a 21st-century circus act. 如此“制造”出来的孩子可能会是一个21世纪的杂耍演员,样子奇怪令人恶心。

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