In retrospect, these candid assessments are one of the unforeseen by-products of a full-time, two-year MBA.
回头来看,这些坦率的评估是我们两年制全职MBA课程未曾预料到的副产品之一。 |
In return for doing more on issues dear to the poor world, like development or peacekeeping, which require heavier spending, he will seek greater power.
为了向贫困世界做更多的事情,比如发展和维护和平,潘基文将需要更多花销,也必将寻求更大的权力。 |
In return for his apple,I give him one.
为了回报他给我的苹果(谢谢他给我苹果)我给了他一个。 |
In return for my friendship they accuse me, but I am a man of prayer.
4他们与我为敌以报我爱。但我专心祈祷。 |
In return for my love they act as my accusers; But I am in prayer.
诗109:4他们与我为敌以报我爱.但我专心祈祷。 |
In return for promises of financial backing, Chiang Kai-shek immediately obliged his supporters in a particularly sanguinary way.
蒋介石以对人民进行血腥屠杀来换取他的后台给予财政支持。 |
In return for their opening up markets, the EU is offering free access for all products except sugar and rice.
作为这些国家开放市场的回报,欧盟将向它们提供除蔗糖和大米之外所有产品的市场自由准入。 |
In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs.
作为回报,那乞丐头顶地倒立起来,嘴里还唱着歌。 |
In return for your help, I invite you to spend the weekend with my family.
你帮了我的忙。作为回报,我邀请你与我的家人一起过这个周末。 |
In return, Chicago was willing to give up a serviceable big man, Will Perdue.
作为交易,芝加哥公牛用中锋维尔-珀杜来换罗德曼,这也是个不错的家伙。 |
In return, I am sympathetic.
我只好以同情的眼光回报。 |