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Regional cooperation is an important trend in today's world.

Regional Turbo-Prop and Regional Jet sales, Operating Leases and Wet Leases. 经营支线涡桨飞机和支线喷气式飞机租赁及湿租业务。
Regional and ethnic issues contribute to political instability for Ecuador's democracy. 区域及民族事务使厄国的政治不太稳定。
Regional autonomy is practiced in places where ethnic minorities live in compact communities. 我们在少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治。
Regional burial history and other factors being considered, the third thermal fluid activity, which spans the time range from late Quantou Formation to middle-late Qingshankou Formation, is considered as a major period in which massive natural gas pools w 结合本区的埋藏史分析,认为4期天然气充注成藏中第三期是形成大规模天然气藏的主期,即泉头组沉积末期至青山口组沉积中晚期。
Regional conflicts, environmental degradation and terrorist crimes are plaguing the people of the world. 地区冲突、环境恶化和恐怖犯罪困扰着全球人民。
Regional cooperation is an important trend in today's world. 区域合作是当今时代的一个重要趋势。
Regional disparity also exists, with some areas reporting a ratio of 100 to 138, such as southern China's Guangdong and Hainan provinces. 男女性别比例也存在着地域性差异,例如中国南方的广东和海南两省的男女比例为138:100。
Regional economic difference between countries or between regions falls into three modes: the dumbbell, the pyramid, and the olive. 摘要在不同的国家和地区区域经济差异主要有哑铃型、金字塔型和橄榄型3种不同的模式。
Regional exploitation and application as well as planning of mineral resources The Exploration evalutation development of varived mineral resources. 地区性矿产资源开发利用和规划;各类矿产的勘察、评价及开发利用。
Regional governments collectively account for a further 5 and 3 per cent of sales and jobs respectively. 这两个地区政府各自占有另外5%的销售和3%的就业。
Regional governors are unlikely to stray from the Kremlin's plans. 地区领导人肯定得到了克里姆林宫的授意。

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