Foreign investment plays an essential role in your growth, while your holdings of foreign currencies and your management of your own currency are coming to play a vital part in the international monetary system.
外国投资对于中国经济的增长发挥着根本的作用,而中国的外汇储备以及贵国对本国货币的管理,将在国际货币体系中发挥重要的作用。 |
Foreign investments are not affected by austerity measures.
外国投资并没有受到严峻措施的影响。 |
Foreign investments boomed the city.
国外投资使这个城市迅速繁荣起来。 |
Foreign investments help our economic development.
外国投资有助于我们的经济发展。 |
Foreign investors are prohibited from diverting capital abroad in a disguised form by transferring share rights or selling assets at a price obviously lower than the valuated one.
禁止以明显低于评估结果的价格转让股权或出售资产,变相向境外转移资本。 |
Foreign investors believe, however, that beer consumption in China will rise in future, in line with the growth of the country's economy.
外国投资商相信,随着中国经济的增长,中国人的啤酒消费也会增加。 |
Foreign investors investing in business incubator in Laosahn District is encouraged,no matter what single or joint investment.
欢迎外国投资者来崂山区投资建设企业孵化器,独资合资都可以。 |
Foreign investors looking at China often swoon at the country's vast potential but are driven mad by its conflicting and heavy-handed policies.
国外投资者在看中国时往往会着迷于这个国家巨大的潜力,但往往接着要被许许多多互相抵触的铁腕政策弄得头疼。 |
Foreign investors poured a record $101.9bn into US assets in September, according to Treasury data which eased market concerns that any fading demand for dollar assets could undermine the US currency's value.
近来,美国兑其它主要货币汇率升至两年高点,但许多交易员警告称,如果外国投资者对美元资产丧失兴趣,其对美元的需求随之下降,则美元汇率仍有可能大幅下挫。 |
Foreign investors shall, in computing the amount of tax refundable in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of the Tax Law, provide certificates confirming the use of the reinvested profits for the year; the local tax authorities shall adopt any re
在依照税法第十条规定计算退税时,外国投资者应当提供能够确认其用于再投资利润所属年度的证明;不能提供证明的,由当地税务机关采用合理的方法予以推算确定。 |
Foreign investors spent just eight weeks pulling money out of China in the wake of recent wobbles; by the first week of July, the bulk of new money to Asia was heading for Greater China.
在近期的股市动荡之后,仅有8周出现了外国投资者从中国撤出资金的情况;截止7月第一周,涌向亚洲的新资金大部分流向了大中华地区。 |