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Refer also to the appropriate class table to learn the number of power points the character now has.

Refactoring will occur more naturally and makes your code more usable and lets you see the result much quicker thanks to unit testing. 重构的使用会变得更自然,让你的代码更可用,使用单元测试你能更快地看到结果。
Refactoring, per se, doesn't change the observable behavior of the software; it enhances the internal structure. 在本质上,重构不改变软件可见的外部功能,它只是增强了软件的内部结构。
Refactoring: Refactor out any duplicate code generated in a coding session. You can do this with confidence that you didn't break anything because you have the tests. 求精():去掉在编码过程中产生的任何重复代码,你可以自信地认为这么做不会破坏任何东西,因为你还有测试作为后盾。
Refactoring: a change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its observable behavior. 重构(名词):就是修改软件的内部结构,使其容易被理解和廉价的修改,而不改变其外部特性(外观)。
Refastenable Tapes can be refastened the diaper and be convenient for a better fit, making your baby more comfortable. 随意贴可重复使用多次,方便调整松紧,使您的宝宝穿着更舒适。
Refer also to the appropriate class table to learn the number of power points the character now has. 参考相应职业表格还可确定该人物现在的灵能点数。
Refer program #2 for evaluation of an Expression Tree. 参考程序#2计算表达式树的值的算法。
Refer to Crane actuator bulletin for details of pneumatic and electric actuators. 请参阅美国克雷恩有关执行机构的资料,了解气动和电动执行机构的详细资料。
Refer to Knowledge Base article Q192486 for more information about the special pool. 查阅知识库文章Q192486来获得关于特殊池的更多信息。
Refer to Meeting Notice for detailed information of meeting reception, accommodation, and exhibit consign. 会务接待、住宿、展品托运等请见《会务通知》。
Refer to Series TDV Performance Curves with valve in full open position (Fig. 5). 参阅系列TDV阀门在全开位置的性能曲线(图5)。

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