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Three-span model is more coincident with fact than one-span model. Response components in one-span model are lagger than those in three-span model in brief.

Three to five μ of CB-HRP (.8%) was injected into the mesocec-um in male rats (Spraque-Dawley variety) . Having survived for -8 hours, the animals were treated according to Mesulam - Rosen method. 于四只Sprague-Dawley种系雄性大鼠( 0g左右)盲肠系膜两层腹膜间注射CB-HRP(酶标霍乱原B亚单位,.8%HRP浓度)8~μl/只,存活~小时,按Mesulam·Rosen程序灌注固定,取材后冰冻切成厚0μm的切片,TMB组化反应显色。 腹腔-肠系膜上神经节和交感干神经节都见有标记细胞。
Three types of adaptive filters, the adaptive prediction error filter (APEF), the two-side tapped adaptive transversal filter(ATF) and the adaptive lattice filter (ALF), are considered. 文中考虑了三种结构的自适应滤波器:自适应预测误差滤波器、双边抽头自适应横向滤波器和自适应格形滤波器,并提出了一种适用于QPSK直接序列扩展频谱系统的自适应格形滤波器,我们称之为自适应柱格形滤波器。
Three-Dimensional Garment Designation in Computer Virtual Reality Environment 计算机虚拟现实环境三维服装设计
Three-dimensional Photoelastic Stress Analysis of the Anvil and the Influence of Poisson's Ratio 顶锤的三维光弹性应力分析及泊松比的影响
Three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter is widely applied in electrical towage fields. 二极管钳位型三电平逆变器广泛的应用于电力拖动领域。
Three-span model is more coincident with fact than one-span model. Response components in one-span model are lagger than those in three-span model in brief. 采用三跨模型计算,比采用单跨模型更符合实际,单跨模型的反应整体上大于三跨模型。
Three-year survivai rate of the afterloading therapy group was 8. %(00/ cases), similar to that of the radium therapy group in 978 (7.% / cases). 后装组 年存活率为8. %(00/ 例),而镭疗组978年为7.%(/例),两组疗效相似。
Throaty syphilis-Report of four cases 咽梅毒─附例报告
Through a study on Na corrosion of Al_O_ /Nb seal interface, itis shown that the main factor influencing the Al_O_ /Nb seal and the lifetime ofhigh pressure natrium lamp is the interface bonding between glass seal and Nb. 本文通过对Al_O_ -Nb封接界面Na腐蚀情况的研究,证明玻璃焊料与Nb界面结合不好是影响Al_O_ -Nb封接质量和高压钠灯寿命的主要原因.
Through above engineering, it comes to following conclusions: The technical data of whole bus defines the concrete structure of trapeze linkage. 通过以上工作,得到如下结论:保证整车理想转向特性的转向梯形,其具体结构由整车结构参数决定,也就是说转向梯形的结构与整车结构有一一对应性;
Through altering the Q shot blasting house,abrator head can raise the quality of sand cleaning,and improve the appearance of casting. 通过对Q 抛丸清理室的改造,增加抛丸头,提高了清砂质量及效率,进一步改善了铸件的外观质量。

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