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During the oral defence of your thesis,

During the one-year timeframe, the items will be covered under your insurance policy for theft or damage. 在此期间,你处负责对该套家具进行失窃及损坏的保险赔偿。
During the operations taken under survey, there was not one instance of an artillery shell scoring a direct hit on a Chinese bunker, despite consistent fires against these objects. 在我们所研究的各次行动中,尽管以密集炮火轰击中国人的掩体,但还没有一个火炮以直瞄射击打中它们的战例。
During the optimal operation of pumping station, the operation condition during each operation period of each pump unit is normally taken as the variable of the optimization for the conventional genetic algorithm; however, the variables are too many to be 摘要泵站优化调度中常规的遗传算法是以每台机组各时段的运行状态作为优化变量,其变量数多,难以收敛。
During the optimization of the tie lines for urban medium voltage distribution network, different traverse of the transformer substations will bring different results. 摘要城市中压配电网联络线优化的过程中,不同的变电站遍历顺序,可能带来不同的联络线优化方案。
During the oracular sessions, the Pythia spoke in an altered voice and tended to chant her responses, indulging in wordplay and puns. 皮媞亚会以一种不同于平常的声音传达神谕,并倾向以吟咏的方式回应,说出的尽是暧昧的文字游戏与双关语。
During the oral defence of your thesis, 在论文答辩过程中,
During the other 80% of sleep—the part that is non-REM—the firing pattern of the brain's nerve cells sets up slow electrical waves that start at different points in the cerebral cortex and travel across it. 在其余的80%的非快速动眼睡眠时间里,脑神经细胞的兴奋模式产生的慢速的电波从大脑皮层的不同的区域开始扩布。
During the outreach session President Hu Jintao will present China's propositions on fighting climate change and other important issues. 会议期间,胡锦涛主席将就气候变化及其他一些重要问题来阐述中国的立场和主张。
During the passage of a thunderstorm pressure has pronounced change. 在雷暴过境时,气压有着明显变化。
During the past 10 years, he gained quite a little knowledge about liquor. 在过去的10年里,他获得不少关于酒的知识。
During the past century it has been re-phrased, temporarily transcended, noisily neglected and even ritually exorcised — by recourse to the primacy of the local, or the mental unity of humanity, or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, or any other p 在过去世纪期间它改变了措辞,临时地超越,喧闹地忽略和平衡礼节地驱逐-由依赖于本机的首要,或人类精神团结,或世界人权宣言,或其他藉口有人可能认为。

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