Members of this subset—which includes the protease involved in replicating HIV, the virus that causes AIDS—use aspartic acid, a type of amino acid, to catalyze the protein-cutting reaction.
这群蛋白酶会利用天冬胺酸这种胺基酸来催化蛋白切割反应,其成员包括参与爱滋病毒HIV复制的蛋白酶。 |
Members of traditional generations have difficulty anticipating the attitudes and behavior of the new generation.
在此环境孕育下,新新人类对于工作所抱持的认知与态度,往往是传统人类难以理解的。 |
Members often clapped their hands or shouted out loud.
教友们或是频频拍手,或是大声叫喊。 |
Members promised not to spread unhealthy or illegal information, and make further efforts to wipe out spam messages.
联盟成员做出承诺:不传播不良信息和非法信息,并为扫除垃圾短信做出进一步努力。 |
Members represented a wide variety of folk, from wizards to Squibs.
凤凰社成员代表了各式各样的人,从巫师到哑炮都有。 |
Members should not participate in any activities that may blemish the reputation of Richie and Richie's Family.
家人不应参与任何有损小齐或小齐家族声誉的活动。 |
Members that attend S.H.E activities need to be there at least 2 hours before the activity starts, late comers will not be entertained.
在S.H.E活动时,所有出席的会员必须在活动开始的2小时之前到达,迟到的后果自负。 |
Members to the number of 120 voted against the proposal.
多达120人投票反对这个提案。 |
Members were asked to place their votes in the ballot box.
会员们被要求把选票放入投票箱。 |
Members were balloted on the proposed changes.
会员被要求为动议的改变投票。 |
Members will serve their communities and participate in fun experiential education activities to help them to reflect on their service work.
会员将学习分析和评价他们生活社区的效果,服务他们团体和参加有趣经验教育行为,帮助他们反省自身行为。 |