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Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?

Do not tear down the work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are clean, but they are evil for the man who eats and gives offense. 罗14:20不可因食物毁坏神的工程.凡物固然洁净、但有人因食物叫人跌倒、就是他的罪了。
Do not tell me about a man's being able to talk sense; everyone can talk sense- can he talk nonsense? 别讲会说要道理的话的人的事情了;谁也会说有道理的话——他会说废话吗?
Do not tell the world what you can do.show it. 不要向世人宣称你能做什么,而要问问你做了什么。
Do not that mix with the steel? 熔渣不会与钢水混在一起吧?
Do not the spirits who dwell in the ether envy man his pain? 来往于上界的精灵们,难道不羡慕人世间的痛苦?
Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called? 7他们不是亵渎你们所敬奉(所敬奉:或作被称)的尊名吗?
Do not think about that job, mary have it sew up. 不要想那份工作,玛莉一定会得到那份工作的。
Do not think about what you are doing, just DO IT. 不要想你在做什么,只是这样做。
Do not think of your cover letter as an autobiography; it should be brief and to the point. 不要把简历首页认为是自传书,它应该是简明扼要的。
Do not think that Americans are in such a hurry that they are unfriendly. 不要认为美国人如此匆忙是不友善的。
Do not throw away your spirit gear. 看到这个大家不必马上把提高精神力的装备扔掉。

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