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(Ceramis headwork:500,000 life cycles,water static pressure Max,35 bar).

(B)For months they travelled through the sands of the Gobi. 好几个月他们一直在戈壁沙漠中走。
(Can not chat with foreigners with MSN? But the prerequisite is that you are on good terms in English! 用MSN不就可以和外国人聊天了?但前提是你英语要好!
(Carnegie, Andrew. How I Served My Apprenticeship(1896). In The Gospel of Wealth and Other Timely Essays. Edited by Edward C. Kirkland. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1962. 安德鲁·卡内基:“我的学徒生涯”(1896),选自爱德华·C·科克兰德主编:《财富的福音与其他早期文章》。
(Cats are cool. They have style, personality, sophistication, and just the right amount of confidence. 猫很酷,牠们有格调、个性、脑筋,以及适度的自信。
(Cats names are more for human benefit. They give one a certain degree more confidence that the animal belongs to you. 猫的名字多半是基于人的利益,它让人在某种程度上更有信心那只动物属于你。
(Ceramis headwork:500,000 life cycles,water static pressure Max,35 bar). 陶瓷阀芯:使用寿命开关50万次,静态最大耐压35巴。
(Chengzhao all regions of the country agents Maurice furniture wholesale furniture dealers furniture products. 诚招全国各地区家具经销商批发代理雅特家私家具产品。
(Chicken Grilled chicken breast, spicy peanut sauce ,bean sprouts, scallions, carrots, cilantro and Mozzarella, Served with satay peanut sauce. 炭烤嫩滑鸡胸肉、秘制泰式花生酱汁、豆芽及芝士等,配上沙爹酱汁。
(Chinese renowned attorney the king only then shines gentleman, how cares about the type character and style area inhabitant to narrate maintains the citizen rights and interests the legal knowledge and the procedure. 中国著名律师王才亮先生,在为意式风情区居民讲述如何维护公民权益的法律知识和程序。
(Circumstances vary between countries and between schools within a country, and implementation factors have therefore to be taken into account when designing ICT curricula. 各国之间以及一个国家的不同各校之间的情况千差万别,因此设计信息与通信技术课程时必须考虑课程实施的因素。
(Coating:Gloss epoxy powder resistant to most chemicals ,UV fading and heat. 涂层:高亮度环氧树脂涂层,耐腐蚀、耐热,防紫外线辐射。

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