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The development of polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) industry at home and abroad, their technological progress and the market were surveyed and their bright prospects were also exhibited.

The development of new science and technology has also resulted in a need for comprehensive knowledge int the technical field. 新的科学技术的发展,也需要技术领域的全面知识.
The development of new technology is a technicians dream. 开发新技术是工程师的梦想。
The development of occupational therapy curriculum in Taiwan has taken place over the past 30 years. 摘要职能治疗专业在台湾的发展已经超过30年了。
The development of our urbanization is characterized by the type of government leading, and it brings the problems such as wasting of resources and unbalance of benefit while stimulating the economy and social development. 我国城市化发展表现为典型的政府主导型特征,其在推动经济、社会发展的同时也带来资源浪费、利益失衡等问题。
The development of photographic films requires a dark room. 照片显影需要一间暗房。
The development of polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) industry at home and abroad, their technological progress and the market were surveyed and their bright prospects were also exhibited. 摘要综述了国内外聚苯硫醚产业的发展,技术进步与市场,展示了其非常良好的发展前景。
The development of port-vicinity industry cluster has become the dominate choice of China's coastal areas. 摘要临港产业集群的构建和发展已成为发达国家的重要经验和国内沿海地区的主导选择。
The development of post-modern art, especially after Marcel Duchamp, discards the modernistic believing of the abstract value that surpasses any entity, and becomes general and multidisciplinary. 摘要后现代艺术的发展,确切的说是自杜尚以后艺术发展趋势,是从现代主义相信一种超越一切的抽象价值转变为后现代的宽容多元。
The development of precision agriculture will facilitate solutions to major issues in population, resources and environment and benefit China in high efficiency utilization of agricultural resources and environmental protection. 精确农业的研究与发展将有助于我国人口、资源与环境方面重大问题的解决,有助于农业资源的高效利用和农业环境保护。
The development of quantum mechanics in the 1920s, for example, and its subsequent application in the development of the transistor have made possible the revolutions in computing, electronics, and nanotechnology that have shaped modern society and indust 例如,二十世纪二十年代,量子力学的快速发展,以及随后在电子晶体管技术方面的应用,促成了计算机技术、电子学、以及纳米技术的革命,从而形成了现代社会与工业。
The development of reefs was controlled by the tectonic setting, sea-level movement, paleogeographic environment and evolution of reef-forming organisms. 生物礁的发育受构造作用、海平面变化及古地理环境控制,同时也受造礁生物兴衰演化的控制。

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