Thanked him for the wonderful speech. In order not to repentant tomorrow, we should work hard today!
师兄林伟健也给我们留下了一句意味深长的话:为了不让明天的我们后悔,所以要在今天努力! |
Thankfully James Gillray is also there, and his ★biting[29] caricatures lift the spirits.
令人欣慰的是,这里面也包括了詹姆斯?基尔雷,他的讽刺画发人深省,令人精神振奋。 |
Thankfully able to raid his ship's stock before it sinks completely, he has some necessities to learn how to survive and support himself, and the ship's cat and dog to keep him company.
十七世纪,一名英国青年因沉船而流落在南美的一个荒岛,在岛上独个儿自力更生,后来又救了一名黑人奴隶星期五,教会了他文明的生活。 |
Thankfully we live in the United States where our right to see graphic violence and horrific images is protected under the First Amendment.
幸好我们住在美国,有权利去看暴力的图形和恐怖的画面。。。 |
Thankfully, 2142 has a cool new feature in Titan mode to accompany the traditional conquest mode.
令人欣慰的是,配合传统的战斗模式,《2142》在泰坦模式上有很酷的新特点。 |
Thankfully, God does not behave like that.
谢天谢地,神不会那么做。 |
Thankfully, I knew the way well and could question him if he ever took an unknown turn to, perhaps, a secluded place to rob me of my laptop and whatevers.
还好我对要去的目的地路线熟悉,如果他想转到别的地方去,如一个偏僻的地方来洗劫我,我可以第一时间察觉。 |
Thankfully, Louise found a solution that was acceptable to everybody.
谢天谢地,路易丝找出了一个大家都能接受的解决办法。 |
Thankfully, Messrs Grossman and Rossi-Hansberg have a more felicitous phrase: “trade in tasks”.
不过还好,格罗斯曼与罗西-汉斯伯格用了个更恰当的词来描述,他们称之为“任务贸易”。 |
Thankfully, after that day, she never checked my breath with a mirror again.
谢天谢地,从那天起,她就不再用镜子检查我的呼吸了。 |
Thankfully, he sank back into his comfortable chair. Someone else would do the job.
他感到欣慰地一屁股坐在舒适的椅子上;这件事将由别人去办。 |