In the wake of the questions about Chinese products in the US, the Chinese government has impounded a number of shipments of exports from the US in recent weeks which has raised fears that the safety problems could escalate into a broader trade dispute. |
中文意思: 在美国对中国产品质量提出质疑后,中国政府最近几周已扣押了多批来自美国的出口产品,令人们不禁担忧,产品安全问题可能升级为更广泛的贸易纠纷。 |
In the wake of the 2004 election both Andrew Card, then White House chief of staff, and Laura Bush tried to persuade the president to fire him.
早在2004年大选过后,白宫幕僚长安德鲁.卡德以及布什夫人劳拉就曾提出解雇拉姆斯菲尔德。 |
In the wake of the Great Depression and the second world war, with the Keynesian revolution still young, championing the free market was deeply unfashionable, even (or especially) among economists.
在经济大萧条(恐慌)和二次世界大战之后,是凯恩斯主义刚刚大行其道的年代,在那时候,如果谁倡导自由市场经济,尤其在众多主流的经济学者中班门弄斧,都是不识时务的。 |
In the wake of the March 4th shootings, Afghan journalists were quickly on the scene.
在3月4日的乱射之后没多久,阿富汗新闻记者便马上赶到了现场。 |
In the wake of the emergence of Social Constructivism, the development of International Relations theory has entered into a new phase.
摘要当代国际关系理论之发展,随著社会建构论的崛起,进入新的阶段。 |
In the wake of the fall of all of Asia Minor, the domain of the Eastern Roman Empire, into Islam's sphere of control, in important aspects -- be it militarily, politically or in terms of choice of religious belief -- the whole of Europe was profoundly imp
十三世纪东罗马帝国所在的小亚细亚全数落入回教势力之手,欧洲不论在军事上、政治上还是在信仰选择上,都受到这波来自东方的高度文明的挑战,回教大军甚至在十六世纪挥兵濒临维也纳城下。 |
In the wake of the questions about Chinese products in the US, the Chinese government has impounded a number of shipments of exports from the US in recent weeks which has raised fears that the safety problems could escalate into a broader trade dispute.
在美国对中国产品质量提出质疑后,中国政府最近几周已扣押了多批来自美国的出口产品,令人们不禁担忧,产品安全问题可能升级为更广泛的贸易纠纷。 |
In the wake of their great victory in the worldwide war against Fascism, peace-loving nations across the globe placed on the United Nations their hopes for a better world of peace, development and cooperation.
爱好和平的各国人民在赢得世界反法西斯战争伟大胜利后,把建设一个和平、发展、合作的美好世界的愿望寄托于联合国。 |
In the wake of worsening environmental pollution, we have to try our best to protect planet Earth.
(有鑑于日渐恶化的环境污染,我们必须尽力来保护地球。) |
In the waking state it focuses in physical reality.
它在清醒状态时聚焦于物质现实。 |
In the wall of the cabin there is a hole to permit light to enter.
小屋的墙壁上有一个小洞,光线可以射进来。 |
In the war of 1812, the British burned the mansion to the ground.
在1812年的战争中,大不列颠人把它夷为平地。 |