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Adopt data broadcast mode transmit data which need high real time ability, enable the process of the client terminal which distributed in net webs can receive the newest data.

Adopt casting-cutting base, low gravity center, both inner and outer columns are made up of stainless steel, highly rigid and wear resistant. 采用铸铣底座,重心稳,内外筒采用不?袗?制成,坚固耐用。
Adopt commercial cipher chips, which have passed the detection by national cipher management department, to effectively ensure security and reliability of the product. 采用经过国家密码管理部门检测的商密芯片,产品的安全性和可靠性得到有效保障。
Adopt computer control,operate convenienly. 电脑智能控制,操作简便。
Adopt crank shift , link mechanism , and gear drive to improve work efficiency . 采用曲柄、连杆机构,齿轮传动,省力是提高工作效率的利器。
Adopt cross symbol lamp to make the zipper's location and installation. 采用十字标志灯使拉链的安装定位更可靠。
Adopt data broadcast mode transmit data which need high real time ability, enable the process of the client terminal which distributed in net webs can receive the newest data. 采用数据广播传送实时性要求高的数据。使分布于网络上的客户端程序能够同时接收到最新的数据。
Adopt double work position unwinding without stoppage. This can give full play to production efficiency of equipment and decrease the waste product rate of equipment greatly. 采用双工位不停机放卷,可以充分发挥设备的生产效率,可以大幅度降低设备的废品率。
Adopt double-door, temperature uniformity, good exhaust design, safety credibility, heat insulation floor adopts high-class glass fibre, automatic electronic constant temperature. 热度均匀,采用双扇门,有良好的排气设计,安全可靠;隔热层采用高级玻璃棉,备有电子恒温器,温度准确,电子记时器操作方便,并备有活动脚轮,方便移动。
Adopt far-infrared heating technology,with low hot loss,high efficiency,high precisely for control temperature,uniform heating.compared with drying cabinet or electric stove;it can automatical control temperature,easy to operate,drying effect is very sati 采用了远红外辐射加热技术,与一般烘箱及热处理用的箱式电炉相比较,具有热损失小、效率高、控温精度高,加热均匀:能自动控温、一时结束、操作方便等优点,可达到十分满意的烘干效果。
Adopt heating technology of semiconductor,have good temperature evenness. 采用热惯性极小的半导体微电热加热技术,提高了温度均匀性。
Adopt international advanced palpable screen and intellegent pattern editing system with humanity. Easy for operation. 采用国际最先进触摸屏,人性化智能的花样编写系统,操作简单。

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