On a keyboard, the force required to depress a key to ensure positive contact and the action of the keystroke .
在键盘上,为保证按下键时接触可靠及完成一次击键动作所需要的力。 |
On a keyboard, the force required to depress a key to ensure positive contact and the action of the keystroke.
在键盘上,为保证按下键时接触可靠及完成一次击键动作所需要的力。 |
On a large rimmed baking sheet, toss carrots and parsnips with oil, thyme, salt, and pepper. Spread in a single layer.
取一只大的有边烤盘,放入胡萝卜和欧防风,加入油、百里香、盐、胡椒搅拌均匀。平铺在盘中,不要相互覆盖。 |
On a larger scale, look carefully at the systemswhich exist in your team, at those work practices which you and they follow through habit.
从整体上仔细观察你的团队中已经存在的“体制“,也就是你和你的团队在工作中遵循的习惯。 |
On a lazy laser raiser lies a laser ray eraser.
在一个懒惰的激光器上放了一个激光消除器。 |
On a left lead, it is the right hind leg that initiates the three-beat pattern.
在向左侧慢跑时,马匹右侧后腿开始三节拍模式。) |
On a lightly oiled surface roll the dough out and shape them into a 12-cm wide and 5-mm thick long strips. Cover and rest for another 15 minutes.
台面薄薄抹上一层油,放上面团。揉擀成12厘米宽,5毫米厚的长段面片,盖上湿布巾松弛15分钟。 |
On a lonely highway in the Australian outback, the air is still, dry, and very hot. The road is a nine-foot-wide ribbon of bitumen that disappears into a shimmering horizon.
一条高速公路寂寞的躺在澳洲内陆,空气依然干燥、炎热。公路就如同一条九英尺宽的沥青带子消失在地平线尽头跳动的空气中。 |
On a long journey of human life, faith is the best of companions; it is the best refreshment on the journey; and it is the greatest property.
在人生的漫漫征途中,信念是最好的同伴;它是注旅途上最好的恢复活力之物;也是最大的财产. |
On a lower level between the main room and the southern entrance is an open yard bounded on both sides by narrow covered passages.
主厅和南边入口中间是一块空旷的低地,两侧均为狭窄的走廊。 |
On a macro level (please see the chart with half-yearly averages), CE's ratings have been decreasing since the second half of 1997, to a record low of 48.4 marks in the second half of this year, which was a significant drop of 5.6 marks from that of the f
综观回归后特首董建华评分的走势(可参阅半年结图表),有关数字自九七年下半年起辗转下跌,并于本年度下半年跌至其上任以来的新低;其下半年平均分为48.4分,较上半年显著下跌5.6分。 |