So Jesus spoke very firmly to Peter calling on him to be a follower (“get behind me”) and not to think he could set forth a softer more humanly acceptable route to the kingdom for Messiah. |
中文意思: 所以,耶稣坚定地呼召彼得成为他的跟从者,而不是觉得他太软弱不能够进入弥赛亚的神国。 |
So Jesus called them and spoke to them in parables: How can Satan drive out Satan?
23耶稣叫他们来、用比喻对他们说、撒但怎能赶出撒但呢。 |
So Jesus said to Peter, Put the sword into the sheath; the cup which the Father has given Me, shall I not drink it?
约18:11耶稣就对彼得说、收刀入鞘罢。我父所给我的那杯、我岂可不喝呢。 |
So Jesus said to him, Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe.
约4:48耶稣就对他说、若不看见神迹奇事、你们总是不信。 |
So Jesus said to them, My time is not yet here, but your time is always opportune.
约7:6耶稣就对他们说、我的时候还没有到.你们的时候常是方便的。 |
So Jesus set out to preach in all the synagogues throughout Galilee; he also cast out demons.
于是,耶稣走遍了加里利地区,在他们的会堂里讲道施教,同时也驱魔。 |
So Jesus spoke very firmly to Peter calling on him to be a follower (“get behind me”) and not to think he could set forth a softer more humanly acceptable route to the kingdom for Messiah.
所以,耶稣坚定地呼召彼得成为他的跟从者,而不是觉得他太软弱不能够进入弥赛亚的神国。 |
So Jesus then told them plainly, Lazarus has died.
14所以耶稣就明明的告诉他们说,拉撒路死了。 |
So Jesus went to Hades (the grave) when he died, not to heaven.
所以,耶稣去了阴间(坟墓),没有上天堂。 |
So Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around him.
24耶稣就和他同去,有许多人跟随拥挤他。 |
So Jesus, knowing all the things that were coming upon Him, went forth and said to them, Whom do you seek?
约18:4耶稣知道将要临到自己的一切事、就出来、对他们说、你们找谁。 |
So Jim Binns' generation has a formidable job on its hands.
因此吉姆?宾司这代人要承担一项艰巨的任务。 |