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As US troops stood guard outside, Saddam was first led to a sparse and unheated holding room in the bowels of the headquarters of Iraqi military intelligence.

As Tom was burning rubber, blue coloured smoke came from the wheels. 汤姆刚一跑开,一股蓝色的烟就从车轮处冒了出来。
As Tony and Dubya got ready to plot the world's future in Crawford, Texas, the First Ladies joined forces to help women with the disease. 当英国首相布莱尔和美国总统布什准备在德克萨斯的克劳福斯共商世界发展大计的时候,两位第一夫人则携起手来,准备为帮助患有乳腺癌的女同胞们献上自己的一份力量。
As Toyota drivers are quick to point out, Camrys are built in the United States, the Ford Fusion is produced in Mexico and Chevrolet Monte Carlo comes from Canada. 因为丰田车的驾驶员们很快就可以指出,凯美瑞是在美国造的,而福特赛车是在墨西哥生产的,雪佛兰车则来自加拿大。
As Tung Chee-hwa has just completed his first five-year term, we have uploaded in our ArchiveSection a comparison between the ratings of Former Governor Chris Patten in his five-year term and that of CE Tung Chee-hwa in his first term, for readers' easy r 鑑于董建华已经完成首届特首五年任期,《民意网站》即日于「档案资料」栏目中上载前港督彭定康五年任期与特首董建华五年任期的评分比较,方便读者参考。
As U.S. officials work toward a June 2007 deadline to find ways to enforce the new rules, other countries are easing restrictions. 在美国当局正致力于2007年6月之前找到增强新规则的方法时,其它国家却在放开限制。
As US troops stood guard outside, Saddam was first led to a sparse and unheated holding room in the bowels of the headquarters of Iraqi military intelligence. 萨达姆首先被领进一个位于伊拉克军事指挥部内部的房间内,美军军队看守着这个空旷的、没有暖气的房间。
As VOA's Gary Thomas reports from London, investigators say the alleged plotters had bomb-making equipment and they had recorded so-called martyrdomvideos. 美国之声加里·托马斯在伦敦报道说,英国调查人表示对外声称炸机的阴谋策划者拥有制造炸弹的器材并且他们还说已经录下了所谓“殉难者”的录像带。
As Vulkan carried his prize back to the settlement, ill fate beset him as Mount Deathfire erupted into violent life, hurling rocks and lava high into the air. 呼啸而出的高温火山岩浆,滚动的巨石,极度致命的火山毒气包围了伟大的凡尔康。
As Wang stayed perfect in the sixth and seventh innings, Torre wondered how the even-keeled Wang would react if he actually threw a perfect game or no hitter. 当小王的完全比赛进行到第六,甚至第七局时,托瑞爷爷也很好奇如果小王真的完成了完全比赛时,他还会有怎麽样平静的反应。
As Warren Buffett likes to say, “It's only when the tide goes out that you learn who's been swimming naked. 就像沃伦?巴菲特喜欢说的一样:“只有在潮水退去时,你才能知晓谁在裸泳。”
As Yeong-jus behavior becomes increasingly alarming, Ji-won digs deeper into the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the numbers first owner, a high school girl named Jin-hie. 金蕙追查之下,发现曾使用该手机号码的几个人逐一离奇惨死,此时死咒瞬间蔓延,死亡步步逼近,金蕙简直无法相信……究竟电话是谁拨出,又等待谁来接听?

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