Smoke got in his eyes. Too much of it, so he asked the Roman Catholic Church to annul his marriage when his wife refused to kick the nicotine habit.
烟雾飘入他的眼簾,令人忍无可忍,所以当他的妻子拒绝戒除尼古丁时,他要求罗马天主教会撤销他的婚姻。 |
Smoke hems in firemen at a factory blaze in Xian, China.
西安的消防员在抢救当地的一场大火时被烟雾围困。 |
Smoke pours from his nostrils as from a boiling pot over a fire of reeds.
20从它鼻孔冒出烟来,如烧开的锅和点着的芦苇。 |
Smoke puffed from the chimney.
烟从烟囱里一股一股地喷出来. |
Smoke rises from a burning Indonesian forest set afire for land-clearing, 2005.
2005年,为了清理场地,印度尼西亚一片燃烧着的森林冒出来的烟一直燃烧。 |
Smoke rises over a coal mine near Pingru in Shanxi Province.
山西省平鲁煤矿扬起漫天风尘。 |
Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it.
8从他鼻孔冒烟上腾;从他口中发火焚烧,连炭也着了。 |
Smoke rose into the night sky from one of the attacked compounds, and a helicopter circled overhead, scanning the ground with a searchlight.
被引爆的居民楼处浓烟直冲云霄,直升机在楼上空盘旋,探照灯来回搜索地面。 |
Smoke rosesintosthe night sky from one of the attacked compounds, and a helicopter circled overhead, scanning the ground with a searchlight.
被引爆的居民楼处浓烟直冲云霄,直升机在楼上空盘旋,探照灯来回搜索地面。 |
Smoke sensors warned us of the fire.
烟雾探测器已向我们发出火警警报. |
Smoke was pouring into the lift.
浓烟已开始涌入电梯。 |