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The Breaker is composed of 4 parts, I e., the insulating case, operating mechanism, contact system and tripping device, featuring quick make and break and free trip.

The Brazilian team is regarded as unbeatable. 巴西队可以说是不可战胜的.
The Brazilian team set up camp at the luxury hotel at the foot of the Swiss Alps last week to train for the World Cup in neighbouring Germany this month. 上周,巴西队在这家位于瑞士阿尔卑斯山脚下的豪华酒店“安营扎寨”,为本月将在邻国德国举行的世界杯赛做训练准备。
The Brazilian was cautiously associated with a switch last summer, but no move took place for the South American. 虽然在夏天的时候一度有关于他转会的传闻,但是什么都没有发生。
The Brazilian's agreement expires in June 2007 and talks regarding an extension had so far proved problematic, as Galliani himself stated that “no one is irreplaceable on the team. 巴西人的目前的合同将在2007年6月到期,而关于他的续约谈判一直进行得非常艰难,因为加利亚尼自己曾经说过“对球队来说,没有人是不可替换的。”
The Breaker can be attached with shunt tripping device, undervoltage tripping device, auxiliary contacts ,alarm contacts and motor-operated drive. 断路器可以加装分励脱扣器、欠压脱扣器,辅助触头,报警触头和电动操作机构。
The Breaker is composed of 4 parts, I e., the insulating case, operating mechanism, contact system and tripping device, featuring quick make and break and free trip. 断路器由绝缘外壳、操作机构、触头系统和脱扣器等四部份组成,具有快速闭合、断开和自由脱扣机构。
The Breeding industry of milk cows is one of the mainstay industries in the development of husbandry of Yulin City. 摘要奶牛养殖业是榆林市畜牧业发展的重要支柱产业之一。
The Breezy Meadow Cashmere Farm in Bellingham, Washington, says cashmere goats are big enough to be kept with sheep and cattle. 一个饲养这种羊的在柏林和华盛顿说,克什米尔大得象牛羊一样。
The Brethren hold a prayer meeting every Thursday. 教友每周四举行一次祷告会。
The Bridal Gown :Every bride is beautiful. the bridal gown should bring a smile to your face. If it doesn't, it's not the right dress. 新娘礼服:每个新娘都是美丽的,一件婚纱应该能为你的面庞带来微笑,如果不是这样,你就选错了婚纱。
The Brief Analysis of Marketing : After this project put into production, the sale income may receive 10 billion Yuan, tax 1.5 billion Yuan, which can solve the employment of 3,500 people. 市场简要分析:该项目投产后可实现销售收入100亿元人民币,年利税15亿元人民币,可解决就业3500人。

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