Who's scrawled all over the wall?
是谁把墙划得这么难看? |
Who's snitched my pen?'
`一转眼, 谁把我的笔偷走了?' |
Who's standing there at the door?
谁站在门口? |
Who's stealing your clipboard contents?
谁窃取了你的剪贴板中的内容? |
Who's swiped my calculator?
谁把我的计算器偷走了? |
Who's that behind the trigger?
谁在背后开枪? |
Who's that dude over there?
那边的那个男的是谁? |
Who's that girl in a red skirt?
那个穿红裙子的女孩子是谁? |
Who's that girl with red hair?
那个红头发的女孩是谁? |
Who's that guy in the Mercedes Benz?
坐在奔驰里的那个家伙是谁? |
Who's that man? He's Mr. Wang.
那人是谁?他是王先生。 |