Legislative reform is long overdue.
立法方面的改革早该进行。 |
Legislatively, the US is considering and the EU has adopted a database rightwhich actually does accord intellectual property protection to facts - changing one of the most fundamental premises of intellectual property: that one could never own facts, or i
美国正在考虑从立法的角度实行,而欧洲业已采纳施行的“数据库产权”,将实际地授予事实资料知识产权的保护——这项权利颠覆了知识产权最基本的前提之一:事实资料或者想法不能为个人所有,只有当这些事实资料和思想交汇所激发出来的发明创造和表达式才能为个人所有。 |
Legislators can review the Congressional Record before it is published to change or add a statement.
立法者可以在记录公布前审阅记录以改变或增加陈述。 |
Legislators in California are debating a similar proposal.
加利弗里亚州的立法人正就类似提议展开讨论。 |
Legislators in Canada's House of Commons voted 158-133 in support of the bill.
加拿大下议院的立法委员以158票比133票通过了这项法案。 |
Legislators reached a consensus yesterday that Buddha's birthday (Buddhistmas?), or lunar month 4 day 8, may be made to coincide with mother's day, namely the 2nd Sunday of May.
昨方立法院讲佛祖生日(佛诞节﹐道是农历四月初八)﹐会使安排及阿母节仝一工做伙歇假﹐道是新历五月第二耶礼拜。 |
Legislators should be also aware of these problems and be persuaded not to amend the ESA and impose a guarantor system.
立法委员应该对这些问题有所了解,而反对就业服务法关于建立担保人制度的修法。 |
Legitimacy and influence reside in sound logic, quest for justice and compassion and empathy for all humanity.
一个政府的权力,合法性,和影响不是从他那可以造坦克,攻击航天器,导弹和核武器的兵工厂中体现出来的。 |
Legitimation as a process is best described as a 'second-order' objectivation of meaning.
合法化是意义的「次级秩序」客观化过程。 |
Legitimation maintains the reality of socially constructed universe, nihilation denies the reality of whatever phenomena or interpretations of phenomena do not fit into that universe.
正当化维持了社会建构共同体中的实在,而只要是不适合共同体的现象、现象的解释,都会由无效论否认其实在。 |
Legitimation maintains the reality of the socially constructed universe; nihilation denies the reality of whatever phenomena or interpretations of phenomena do not fit into that universe.
“合法化维持了社会建构的意义共同体的实在,无效观否定了任何现像的实在或现象的诠释并不符合意义共同体。” |