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Additional contributions to catalysis can come from bound water molecules, metal ions, or other factors.

Additional attempts to calm your target fail. 其它试图镇静你的目标的行为将失败。
Additional bi-lingual (English and Mandarin speaking) volunteers sought. 另外,我们急需双语的义工。
Additional braces above and below the engine bay and under the rear axle add further rigidity to the spaceframe. 发动机舱上下和后轴底部的防护梁进一步增加了车身刚性。
Additional challenges arise when products are launched sequentially. 在产品分系列(或电影有续集)的时候问题更多。
Additional constraints on oil production will hasten this shortage, thereby reducing the time available for action on alternatives. 额外的限制原油生产加剧了这种短缺,因而减少了开发替代能源的可用时间。
Additional contributions to catalysis can come from bound water molecules, metal ions, or other factors. 其它促成催化的因素来自结合水分子,金属离子或其它因子。
Additional courses in Pre-school Education from Adult and Continuing Training, Long Distance Training, Self-Taught Test, may be required. 如有必要申请人需要通过成人教育、远程教育、自学考试的方式选修一些学前教育的课程。
Additional courses, such as physical education, art, or music, may meet twice a week. 附加课程如体月、艺术或者音乐,可能每周上两次。
Additional data Streams emerge after Dostya's enlistment into the Cybran Nation military. 更多的数据流是关于多斯达尼亚加入赛伯军队后的情况。
Additional development methodologies are designed only to respond to the unpredictability of the external and development environments at the start of an enhancement cycle. 其他的开发方法只是为了弥补在增强周期开始的时候由于外部的和开发环境的不确定造成的影响。
Additional diagnostic tests may be necessary to distinguish FIC from other diseases that cause lower urinary tract symptoms in cats such as bacterial urinary tract infection (rare in young to middle-aged cats), stones (also called calculi or uroliths), an 为了辨别FIC和其他下泌尿道疾病,如细菌性下泌尿道感染(鲜少发生在年轻到中年的猫)、结石(也叫做结石或尿石),和肿瘤(少发生于猫),附加的诊断性检验也许是必须的。

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