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As I know, today I stand here in front of you, not only representing myself but also representing numerous oriental females: we shall inherit the Chinese culture and carry forward the spirit of the Natural Beauty so as to exhibit the beauty of the orienta

As I have said to you before, racing drivers have balls but none of them are crystal, so I can't see into the future. 正如我之前跟你说过的,比赛车手都有机会,只是没有人会很清楚,所以我看不到未来。
As I have said, I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up. 如前所述,我无意为沮丧作赋,而要作清晨精力充沛的雄鸡,立于窝巢之上,只为唤醒沉睡的四邻。。
As I have shown with the pictures here (going in reverse), males slowly transform from a soft tan to a dark neon blue, with a gorgeous orange stripe on the dorsal fin. 请参考一下旁边的图片,雄性会从棕褐色慢慢的变成深蓝色,同时背鳍上顺延出一条金黄色的条纹。
As I have worked with law students on supervised writing projects, I have noticed that lucidity does not come naturally to most law students, perhaps because they have been forced in their legal studies to read so much bad writing that they mistake what t 我曾经负责指导法律专业学生的写作课,我注意到大多数法律专业学生在写作时,并不能自然而然地做到清晰易懂,这也许是因为他们在法律学习过程中,常常被迫阅读大量写作风格很差的文章,这使得他们误以为他们所阅读的文章才是真实和恰当的模式。
As I know that the companies in the plastic industry are now tuning to the machine whose lubrication system is oil-free, because more and more their customers ask them to meet their requirements especially the environment one. 据我所知,在塑胶行业的公司,现在都比较热衷于无油润滑的机器,因为他们的客户是越来越多的要求了,特别是在工厂环保方面。
As I know, today I stand here in front of you, not only representing myself but also representing numerous oriental females: we shall inherit the Chinese culture and carry forward the spirit of the Natural Beauty so as to exhibit the beauty of the orienta 我知道,今天站在这里的我,不仅仅只代表我个人,而是代表千千万万个东方女性:我们在这里传承中国文化,泓扬自然美的精神,展示东方女性之美!
As I lay in bed, I thought of the chemicals, the unseen enemy, filling my room. 当我躺在床上,我就想着看不见的化学敌人正在充满我的房间。
As I lay there on the pavement, mom,I hear the policeman say, 我躺在人行道上,妈妈,我听到那个警察说,
As I leaned on the railing, trying to guess at the outline of the sierra, nostalgia's first blow caught me by surprise. 当我靠在栏杆上,试着看出锯齿山脊的轮廓时,思乡之情第一次油然而生。
As I learn and practice more and more, I can say to the one I love: I love you, I value you, I respect you and I trust that you have the strength to become all that it is possible for you to become — if I don't get in your way. 随着我学习和锻炼的增多,现在我会这样告诉我爱的人:“我爱你、珍惜你、尊重你,我相信你有足够的实力发展成为你想要成为的人——如果我不阻碍你的话。
As I left his office, my frustration boiled over. 离开他办公室时,我的挫折感达到了极点。

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