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In the event of an inflationary blow-out - resulting from excess credit, - the US stockmarket would likely rise further, but in a volatile fashion.

In the event of accident whereby loss or damage may result in a claim under this insurance, notice must be given to the Underwriters promptly after the date on which the Assured, Owners or Managers become or should have become aware of the loss or damage 4如果发生根据本保险可以索赔的损失或损害的意外事故,须在被保险人、船东或管理人知道或应当知道损失或损害之日后,并在检验前,迅速通知保险人,以便在保险人如此要求时指定检验人。
In the event of accidents or injuries, TI can be sued. 万一发生任何意外或伤害,世界总会有可能被控告。
In the event of adverse symptoms, you should contact your physician. 出现了负面症状,你应该联系医生。
In the event of all three teams finishing on eleven points a superior goal difference in the matches involving them means Arsenal would win the section with Porto second and the Moscow team left to compete in the UEFA Cup. 如果这三支球队都以11分结束小组赛程,他们相互间的对阵情况显示阿森纳将领先,波尔图次之,而莫斯科球队将只能去打欧洲联盟杯了。
In the event of an emergency - break glass. Already broken? Run! Ninja Stars costs 4 Credits. 紧急时刻,请把玻璃敲破。已经破了?走吧!忍者飞镖价值4哈币。
In the event of an inflationary blow-out - resulting from excess credit, - the US stockmarket would likely rise further, but in a volatile fashion. 信贷过剩导致升温,美国股市可能因而进一步上升,但表现反复。
In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency within the Contract documents, then the documents shall prevail in the order listed above. 如果诸合同文件中出现任何分歧矛盾则以以上诸文件排列之顺序确定优先。
In the event of any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Contract, or the breach, termination or invalidity hereof (dispute), the Parties shall attempt in the first instance to resolve such dispute through friendly consultation 如果发生由本合同(或其违反、终止或无效)引起或与之相关的任何争议、纠纷或者索赔(“争议”),双方应首先争取通过友好协商来解决争议。
In the event of any dispute, the decision of Sportingbet will be final. 在任何争执事件中,博天堂将会有最后的决策权。
In the event of any misappropriation or misuse, Nasdaq or its third party information providers shall have the right to obtain injunctive relief for its respective materials. 若出现不适当的使用情事,那斯达克或其第三方资讯供应者有权获得相关材料的强制性补偿。
In the event of being unable to repair, Party A shall be liable to change the above said broken appliances. 如果无法修理,甲方有义务更换上述损坏的设备。

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