On Thursday, January 26, 2006, over 200 activists gathered at the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles to protest China's dog and cat fur trade.
2006年1月26日,星期四,200多名示威游行者聚集在中国驻洛杉矶大使馆抗议中国的猫狗皮毛交易。 |
On Thursday, Nicaraguan health authorities seized 40,000 tubes of Chinese-made toothpaste after they were found to contain diethylene glycol (DEG).
在周四(6月1日),尼加拉瓜卫生当局查获4万支含有二甘醇的中国制造牙膏。 |
On Thursday, experts reiterated their advice to computer users to shore up their machines with anti-virus software and to delete suspicious-looking e-mails.
本周四,专家再次提醒电脑用户要在电脑里安装杀毒软件,清除可疑邮件。 |
On Thursday, neither athelets could be found for doping test. Failing to submit the test could lead to the ineligibility of the Games.
在星期四的药检中,两名运动员都突然失踪了。而这样不能够提交尿样将有可能导致他们被禁赛。 |
On Thursday, sir? The time is very short.
在星期四吗,伯爵?时间未免太局促了。 |
On Thursday, the yen hit Y109.52 to the dollar, its highest level in nearly three years, sending the shares of leading exporters tumbling in heavy trading.
上周四,日元兑美元汇率升至109.52比1的近三年新高,日元升值导致日本主要出口商的股票放量下挫。 |
On Time – Obscure term. Rarely used.
准时——晦涩的术语。很少使用。 |
On Titan, this so-called antigreenhouse effect cools the surface by seven degrees C or so.
在土卫六上,这种所谓的反温室效应,使其表面温度降低7℃左右。 |
On Tuesday 29 May 2007, we had an appointment with Jeong Hoon for a dinner on the cruise.
2007年5月29日星期二,我们有这个与桢勋在观光船上晚餐的预约。 |
On Tuesday Japan failed to overturn the ban on commercial whaling at the IWC's meeting in Ulsan, South Korea.
21日,日本方面在韩国举行的国际捕鲸委员会年度会议上发表声明称,他们计划扩展对小须鲸的捕杀数量,还意图捕杀长须鲸和驼背鲸。 |
On Tuesday March 20th the pair announced outlines of their preliminary discussions.
3月20日星期三,两家银行公布了初步谈判的大体内容。 |