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We've run out of typing paper.

We've reported some of the preliminary findings in the study. 我们已经把一些初步调查结果写进调研报告了。
We've run out of petrol. What a bore! 我们的汽油用完了. 真麻烦!
We've run out of time, so we'll continue next time. 我们没时间了,下次再继续。
We've run out of time. 我们已经没时间了!
We've run out of time. We'll go on with this exercise next class. 我们没有时间了,下节课再继续这个练习。
We've run out of typing paper. 我们的打字纸用完了。
We've run short of oil. 我们快要不够油了。
We've rushed off our feet but they said that's a good sign. 我们的腿快跑断了,但他们倒说这是好征兆。
We've scaled up production to meet demand. 我们已经扩大了生产以满足需求.
We've searched out some of your favourite recipes. 我们找出了你喜欢的几个菜谱.
We've seen already how maintaining a constant base current through an active transistor results in the regulation of collector current, according to the β ratio. 我们已经看到有源晶体管的恒定的基极电流是如何以系数β控制集电极电流的。

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